[kepler-dev] Continuous Integration System
Matthew Brooke
brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu May 25 14:29:28 PDT 2006
Hi all -
As a parting gift, I have set up a continuous integration system on a
dedicated build server for your delectation and delight...
The system is based on CruiseControl -
http://cruisecontrol.sourceforge.net - and is set up to do 2 tasks:
1) Continuous Integration:
Checks the ptolemy and kepler CVS repositories every 10 minutes for
check-ins. If changes are detected, it does a clean build of ptolemy and
kepler, and runs the JUnit tests and the workflow tests (ant targets:
"full-clean ptolemy buildkarlib jar test test_workflows").
(** Side note - I created a new ant target in build.xml -
"test_workflows" - which uses JUnit to automatically test all the
workflows that are listed in "kepler/lib/test-workflows.lst" - this
target might also be useful to actor/test-workflow creators)
If the build becomes broken, the system will attempt to send out
notification emails to kepler-dev and to the people who have checked in
changes since the last successful build. It will continue to send out
emails until the build is fixed. When the build has been fixed, those
same recipients will receive notification emails - after which there
should be no more emails until the build is broken again.
2) Nightly Build
Builds at 11:59pm every day, and sends out an email to the
kepler-nightly mailing list (whether the nightly build was successful or
not). The nightly build is a little different, in that is adds the
"generateDoc" and "buildkeplerzip" ant targets (so it is possible that
the nightly could be broken while the continuous integration build is
not). If the nightly build is broken for any reason, notification is
also sent to kepler-dev.
Web Log and Emails:
The notification emails are sent out in HTML format, and contain the
full output of the build. They also contain a link to the status
web-page on the build server:
Note that the "Build" buttons on this page will currently work only for
people at MSI (IP addresses like 128.11.242.x), but everyone should be
able to click on the "kepler-nightly-build" and
"kepler-continuous-integration" links and see the latest build log and
links to all the other archived logs
Matthew Brooke, Ph.D.
Marine Sciences Research Building, Room #3407
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150
ph: (805) 893-7108 fx: 805-893-8062
brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu
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