[kepler-dev] FindBugs: A static analyzer that finds bugs in Java Class files
Christopher Brooks
cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu
Fri May 19 15:25:47 PDT 2006
Hi Dan,
Rats, sorry about that. I was afraid that the change would cause
problems, but thought it was worth it. I did not expect that
particular problem to occur though.
I guess ant really wants to resolve all the tasks before starting up.
That's a design decision that has plusses and minuses - The plus side
is that it is fairly likely that all the taskdefs are defined. The
downside is that each developer must have a the same set of taskdefs.
There is probably a way to to have the taskdef be optional, but I'm
not sure what it would be. Any ideas?
This is not worth spending much effort on right now, I'm sure there
are bigger fish to fry. However, the output from FindBugs is
interesting, I've seen a couple of issues in the Ptolemy tree that are
worth more research.
It looks like something you changed in the Kepler build.xml requires
the FindBugTask code to even start up ant! I am not getting
C:\work\kepler\build.xml:1546: taskdef class
sTask cannot be found
if I even just type 'ant'. I am going to comment out the <taskdef>
statement in build so people don't have to have it
Christopher Brooks wrote:
> FindBugs is a static analyzer that looks for potential bugs.
> FindBugs can be found at
> http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/manual/anttask.html
> FindBugs can be very pedantic, not all the problems that it
> points are always relevant. However, it is a good tool.
> It can easily be run from within Eclipse from the command line
> or from within Ant.
> I set up the nightly build to run FindBugs on the Ptolemy tree,
> the results are at:
> http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptexternal/nightly/findbugs.htm
> There is a link off the nightly build pages that goes to the
> above URL. I'll tune up the warnings a bit. For example,
> I don't really care that our classes are not serializable.
> I also ran FindBugs on the Kepler tree. This is not part of
> the nighly build, I was just curious. The results are at:
> http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cxh/tmp2/kepler-findbugs.htm
> I'll check in my changes to build.xml momentarily.
> _Christopher
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