[kepler-dev] parsing long values into Expression actor broken?

Tristan King tristan.king at jcu.edu.au
Tue May 9 23:39:49 PDT 2006

I've come across a problem where passing a long value into an Expression 
actor and trying to concatenate it with a string, the long value is 
reverted to "0.0".

I've attached an example workflow made in kepler which shows the problem.

Am I doing something wrong? or is something broken?


Tristan King                            | Ph: (07) 4781 6911
DART project team                       | Email: Tristan.King at jcu.edu.au
James Cook University                   | Web: http://dart.edu.au
Townsville QLD 4814                     | http://plone.jcu.edu.au/dart/
Australia                               |
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