[kepler-dev] alpha9 conf call summary

Matthew Brooke brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Mar 1 15:21:35 PST 2006

Everyone -

 > b) Enable new menu framework for rt click menus (Matthew)

I have enabled the new framework for right-click menus in cvs. For now, 
the menus should look and work exactly the same as they did before - 
please let me know if your favorite menu item has suddenly disappeared 
or stopped working


Matt Jones wrote:
> Thanks for everyone's time today.  We discussed issues for the alpha9 
> release for 90 minutes.  Here's my notes on the major conclusions from 
> the call, which I thought you might find useful.
> Matt
> 1) Delay alpha9 release until March 6 to allow 3 new features to get in
>      a) "Import actor from KAR" menu item (Chad)
>      b) Enable new menu framework for rt click menus (Matthew)
>      c) Modify SRB actor to use Authentication framwork (Nandita/Efrat)
> 2) Menus and layout as implemented by Matthew will be cleaned up and 
> included in the release, but the new dialogs for actors and directors 
> will be postponed.  Delay in icon rendering is a critical bug to 
> address.  Laura will do a review of the current QueryBuilder GUI for 
> items that can be easily cleaned up. Matthew will retarget GUI bugs as 
> needed to make the alpha9/beta1 lists accurate
> 3) Nil value support as implemented by cxh seems reasonable and seems to 
> work for R and EML actors.  Will continue to test and utilize it.  Dan 
> will add a new bug for survaeying other actors that need to properly 
> process nil tokens
> 4) Remote actor repository will only include upload, not download or 
> searching.  Users will use the Import KAR menu to load a kar file that 
> they have downloaded from the repository.
> 5) Nandita will coordinate the finalization of the documentation 
> framework, including Zhije's needs for some new fields, and will post a 
> proposed approach to how to document all actors.  Then all developers 
> will be responsible for a first pass at documentation for their actors 
> by beta1.  Nandita will corrdinate a documentation conference call for 
> very soon.
> 6) Tim will propose an approach for tracking the corespondence between 
> workflow tests listed in lib/test-workflows.lst and the actors that are 
> tested in there, and he will coordinate a review of the coverage of 
> those workflows for those actors.  Most "tests" currently listed there 
> will be removed and replaced as they only demonstrate that the wf runs, 
> not that it generates correct output.
> 7) Chad will coordinate a beta1 conference call for around the 20th of March


Matthew Brooke, Ph.D.
Marine Sciences Research Building, Room #3407
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106-6150
ph: (805) 893-7108   fx: 805-893-8062
brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu

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