[kepler-dev] Custom actor deployment
Sivagowri Swaminathan
sivagowri at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 1 21:51:05 PDT 2006
Hi christopher
Thanx for your response. Atleast I came to know that deployment without
compiling or building is infeasible at this juncture. As you have mentioned,
I will wait for the Beta release. The project I am doing involves a lot of
custom actors that I have to create and so, sooner or later I will have to
deliver all my actors and code in a user-friendly format. In the mean time I
shall try to build the alpha version with the ptolemy version you mentioned.
I shall keep you posted about the outcome.
>From: "Christopher Brooks" <cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu>
>To: "Sivagowri Swaminathan" <sivagowri at hotmail.com>
>CC: jones at nceas.ucsb.edu, berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu,
>kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
>Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] {Filename?} Re: Custom actor deployment Date:
>Thu, 01 Jun 2006 16:45:21 -0700
>Hi Sivagowri,
>Any progress on this?
>The problem compiling Director is because
>has an isStrict() method added after the Kepler 1.0.0alpha9 release.
>The change was:
>revision 1.241
>date: 2006/04/04 23:13:36; author: hyzheng; state: Exp; lines: +24 -1
>added two methods: isFireFunctional and isStrict, which provide the
>functional and strictness properties of actors.
>To build Kepler-1.0.0alpha9, you would probably need to check out a
>version of the ptII repository from the same date as the
>Kepler-1.0.0alpha9 release.
>To check out a version of ptII that corresponds with the alpha9
>release, I would try :
> cd $PTII
> cvs update -D 2006-03-07
>You might need to move the date to an earlier day, since
>kepler-1.0.0alpha9 was presumably forked from an earlier day.
>I think what you are doing is difficult on several counts:
>1) Kepler and Ptolemy II are moving targets
>2) Building can be difficult.
>3) Adding custom actors to the alpha release is difficult.
>There is not much to be done here. The Kepler Beta is almost out,
>that might help.
>Your request:
> > 5. How to deploy the custom actor in kepler version alpha 9.0? can
> > somebody try deploying the Helloworld actor in kepleralpha9.0 and
> > let me know the steps at least?
>Is a good question, but I'm not sure if there is anyone to work on
>it. I don't have much time to focus on this right now, other
>tasks await.
>I recommend:
>1) wait for the beta
>2) Work with your manager on doing a build.
>If need be, tar up a directory and send it to him, asking that
>he untar it and set PTII and KEPLER.
>3) Keep asking questions. We will see many more questions
>like yours until we make this easier.
>Sorry this is all such a pain, you are between a rock (a manager)
>and a hard place (active alpha/beta code).
> Hi all
> I have been trying to deploy a custom actor[which extends
> that I have created using the kepler development environment. The
> works if i instantiate kepler from my devpt. environment. now I need
>to tak
> e
> the source files, class files, .xml, .MF files and place it in kepler
> version alpha 9.0 and try to bring up the actor in my ontology tree,
> T
> COMPILING OR BUILDING. I am using windows XP OS.
> For the past two weeks I did some kind of study and found a write up
> might help me in my endeavour.
> y/000006.html
> accordingly,
> 1. I tried to modify Kepler_alpha9.lax with 'src/fpkg' added at the
>end of
> classpath, where fpkg is the package containing the source and class
> for my actor.
> 2. then I modified the annotation.owl file with the following script
> <!-- "File Chooser Actor" "urn:lsid:localhost:actor:473:1" -->
> <asc:Annotation rdf:ID="A419.1">
> <asc:lsid>urn:lsid:localhost:fpkg:A419:1</asc:lsid>
> <asc:annotates>
> <asc:ItemTag>
> <rdf:type rdf:resource="&ont;FileSystemActor"/>
> <asc:taggedItem>
> <asc:Actor>
> <asc:lsid>urn:lsid:localhost:actor:473:1</asc:lsid>
> </asc:Actor>
> </asc:taggedItem>
> </asc:ItemTag>
> </asc:annotates>
> </asc:Annotation>
> The intention is to place my actor whose LSID is 473 under
> group.
> 3.In keplerActorOntology.owl file, I added the following at the end
> <owl:Class rdf:about="urn:lsid:localhost:onto:1:1#FileChooserActor">
> <rdfs:subClassOf>
> <owl:Class
> </rdfs:subClassOf>
> <rdfs:label rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"
> >File Actor</rdfs:label>
> </owl:Class>
> 4.I had the .java files and the .class files in a folder called fpkg,
> I copied it in kepler-1.0.0alpha9/src folder
> and under the kepler-1.0.0alpha9/src/actor folder, I created a folder
> d
> FileChooserActor within which I copied the xml and MF files for the
> I
> have also attached the xml as well as MF files for your reference.
> suggestion of placing the class files in org.kepler.* also gave me the
> error of 'classpath not found' (see err3.bmp).
> 5.In C:\kepler-1.0.0alpha9\build\kepler.jar, I manually added the
> files from C:\kepler-1.0.0alpha9\src\fpkg\* .class which I added in
>step 4.
> The processof manual addition is to open the kepler.jar file using
> and then using 'add' command to add the class files from src/fpkg
> ,
> checking the 'use full path' checkbox.
> 6. I then used cygwin withnthe command "ant buldkarlib" for building
>the ka
> r
> library. It was successful.
> 7. Then I double clicked the kepler_alpha9 launchAnywhere zerog
> icon to get kepler running.
> I am getting the classpath not found error for the umpteenth time even
> though I found the src/fpkg folder added to the classpath. The error
> e
> is given in err.bmp file, with the classpath added using the lax file
> underlined in orange.
> questions:
> 1. What are the general steps to be undertaken to deploy custom actors
>in a
> n
> existing kepler version? obviously the above steps are not sufficient.
> 2. In keplerDevelopment tutorial you have a tutorial to build your own
> kepler actor 'Helloworld' using the deveopment environment. But what
> its deployment in a kepler version say alpha9.0?
> 3. I need to submit my custom actors and workflows to my project
>manager an
> d
> also install them in his machine. How do I do it?
> 4. My reason for not building C:\kepler-1.0.0alpha9\:
> I installed a fresh version of kepler alpha 9.0, and used 'ant
> to
> compile and build.
> it requires ptolemy i.e. the environment variable PTII indicating the
> ptolemy source files. I cannot expect my manager to have the ptolemy
> files in his machine! nevertheless I used my PTII directory and
> It gave errors like some keplersplash.png and log file missing. I
> those files from my development environment and placed it in the alpha
> version. Here again my manager being a user, would have no idea about
> errors.
> it gave me the following error:
> "compile-dev:
> [javac] Compiling 878 source files to
> C:\kepler-1.0.0alpha9\build\classes
> [javac]
> :
> pto
> lemy.actor.Director is not abstract and does not override abstract
> isStri
> ct() in ptolemy.actor.Executable
> [javac] public class Director extends Attribute implements
>Executable {
> [javac] ^
> [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> [javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
> [javac] 1 error"
> so I decided that the deployment should be without building or
> kepler alpha9.0. I can use buildkarlib for creating the kar files
> 5. How to deploy the custom actor in kepler version alpha 9.0? can
> try deploying the Helloworld actor in kepleralpha9.0 and let me know
> steps atleast?
> Thanx
> Siva
> >From: Matt Jones <jones at nceas.ucsb.edu>
> >To: Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu>
> >CC: Sivagowri Swaminathan
> ><sivagowri at hotmail.com>,kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
> >Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] Custom actor deployment
> >Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 09:14:23 -0800
> >
> >And also note that new class files are not moved using the KAR import
> >mechanism. So if you want to move your actor to another Kepler
> >without compiling it there, you need to be sure that the .class files
> >added to the classpath on that machine. Then the Import KAR with the
> >additional metadata that Chad describes should work. We have the
>goal of
> >including the .class files in the kar file, but because of dependency
> >problems we've decided that that is not tenable at the current time.
> >
> >Matt
> >
> >Chad Berkley wrote:
> >>Hi Siva,
> >>
> >>What does the moml look like that you are adding to the kar file?
>If it
> >>is standard ptII moml then it won't work. You need to use the
> >>extensions. See src/actors/Constant for an example. Also, you
>should no
> t
> >>have to copy the kar file by hand to the kar directory. If you are
> >>'ant buildkarlib' it should be copied automatically. Another
>thought is
> >>that if your class really is in src/fpkg, you'll probably need to
> >>the build file because I don't believe that everything in the src
> >>directory is built. If you put it under org.kepler.* it should be
> >>properly. Check the kepler.jar file to see if your class actually
> >>it in there.
> >>
> >>chad
> ------=_NextPart_000_2b64_7756_3c95
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1";
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> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
> ------=_NextPart_000_2b64_7756_3c95
> Content-Type: text/xml; name="FileChooserActor.xml"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="FileChooserActor.xml"
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <entity name="FileChooserActor"
> <property name="entityId"
> 3:1"
> class="org.kepler.moml.NamedObjId"/>
> <property name="documentation"
> ribute">
> </property>
> <property name="class" value="fpkg.FileChooserActor"
> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute">
> <property name="id"
> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute"/>
> </property>
> <property name="output" class="org.kepler.moml.PortAttribute">
> <property name="direction" value="output"
> .StringAttribute"/>
> <property name="dataType" value="string"
> StringAttribute"/>
> <property name="isMultiport" value="false"
> l.StringAttribute"/>
> </property>
> <property name="semanticType00"
> eSystemActor"
> class="org.kepler.sms.SemanticType"/>
> </entity>
> ------=_NextPart_000_2b64_7756_3c95
> Content-Type: text/plain; name="MANIFEST.MF"; format=flowed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MANIFEST.MF"
> Manifest-Version: 1.4.2
> KAR-Version: 1.0
> lsid: urn:lsid:kepler-project.org:kar:473:1
> Name: FileChooserActor.xml
> lsid: urn:lsid:kepler-project.org:actor:473:1
> type: actorMetadata
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