[kepler-dev] missing griddles actors with the latest cvs reposotory ...
Jagan.Kommineni at infotech.monash.edu.au
Thu Jul 20 19:28:43 PDT 2006
Hi Ilkay,
One of the GriddleS actor ("JGridletCreator" ) is missing from user
interface. But I can see kar file in kar directory
but I couldn't see cache object corresponding to this actor in
$HOME/.kepler/cache/objects directory. The entry corresponding to this
actor in the file "$HOME/.kepler/actorLibrary is also missing.
In the fire method of this actor I am using KSWBuilder
(org.kepler.ksw.KSWBuilder) for creating an actor dynamically at
runtime. I suspect there are some changes to this procedure.
KSWBuilder ksw = new KSWBuilder(gridlet , false , false, kswFile);
Eventhough there is an entry in the
corresponding to "gridlets" folder which is subfolder of Griddles folder.
I am using this folder for storing dynamically created application actors.
The entry in the MANIFEST.MF is as follows ...
Manifest-Version: 1.4.2
KAR-Version: 1.0
lsid: urn:lsid:kepler-project.org:kar:166:1
Name: JGridletCreator.xml lsid:
type: actorMetadata
Could you mind to tell me how to fix this problem?
with regards,
Jagan Kommineni
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