[kepler-dev] org.sdm.spa.Ssh2Exec.java and jsch package
Dan Higgins
higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Feb 21 13:21:36 PST 2006
Hi Norbert,
The build file should handle any jars added to the lib/jar directory
automatically - i.e. the classpath is built from whatever jars are there
rather than specific names. The real problem is that someone else may be
using the older jar and the new one may cause problems.
So is anyone else out there using the jsch*** jar?
If I don't hear anything in a few days, I will replace the older version
(and we will then see if anyone complains ;-) )
Norbert Podhorszki wrote:
>Hist[o|e]rical moment: I have commited successfully my first change into
>Kepler. You can start blame me now.
>But I am not writing because of this.
>The SSH actor uses the jsch package. It's 0.1.17 version is in lib/jar.
>This package behaves a bit strange for keyboard-interactive logins: it
>pops up a second, empty dialog (with a single OK button) after the first
>passcode dialog. The recent 0.1.24 version works excellent.
>Other actors relying on this package: org.geon.Scp (copied originally from
>SSH actor)
>Could an appropriate person update this package, please?
>Currently, I do not know, where and what should be changed in the
>source tree when replacing a jar file. build.xml surely, but I have seen
>other files containing the string jsch-0.1.17.jar, which I have no idea,
>what they are.
> Norbert Podhorszki
> ------------------------------------
> University of California, Davis
> Department of Computer Science
> 1 Shields Ave, 2236 Kemper Hall
> Davis, CA 95616
> (530) 754-8188
> pnorbert at cs.ucdavis.edu
> ----------------------------------
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 12:46:14 -0800 (PST)
>From: Norbert Podhorszki <podhorsz at ecoinformatics.org>
>To: kepler-cvs at ecoinformatics.org
>Subject: [kepler-cvs] kepler/src/org/sdm/spa Ssh2Exec.java
>podhorsz 06/02/21 12:46:14
> Modified: src/org/sdm/spa Ssh2Exec.java
> Log:
> Extended with keyboard-interactive support.
> public key and password methods untouched
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>Kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
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