[kepler-dev] Demo workflows to be linked from the welcome page of Kepler

Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Fri Feb 17 15:57:33 PST 2006

Hi All,
    Your suggested requirements for examples are quite resonable, but it 
seems to me that we need a lot more that one example per project --- in 
fact, the more the better. One of the nice things about Ptolemy is the 
ability to get to a large number of examples. I think the original 
Intro.html page was good - it has direct links to a few workflows plus 
links to more extensive lists of demos (Ptolemy, R, ENM/GARP, etc.)

    Although maybe you don't need this on the Welcome page, but we do on 
the screen that appears through the Help menu.

    Also (although I missed the meeting where this was discussed and may 
be off the mark), the "Scientists" or "Programmers" only links in the 
Welcome page seem slightly insulting to me. Lots of people are neither 
(engineers?), many are both. Rather than categorize the user, perhaps we 
should describe the information (Basic/Advanced?)



Zhijie Guan wrote:

> Hi, Efrat and Dan,
> Ilkay and I are working on the demo workflows that will be linked to 
> the welcome page of Kepler. We think one workflow for each GEON and 
> SEEK project should be included as the representatives of the 
> workflows contributed by these two projects. Could you please 
> recommand one workflow for your project?
> Since the workflows are going to be used for demonstrating Kepler, we 
> hope the workflows can satisfy the following requirements:
> 1) can be run on any platform (Mac, Windows, Linux, Unix);
> 2) don't need any other software;
> 3) don't access any password-protected data (end-users don't want to 
> get an account & password to run the demo workflows);
> 4) don't need any settings (like the actor parameters, path of 
> temporary directory in different OS, etc.) Basically the end user just 
> wants to open the workflow, click the "run" button, and see the magic.
> 5) If the workflows use any database and/or web services, please make 
> sure the database and web services are available at most of the 
> reasonable time.
> 6) don't let the user wait too long (better less than 1 minute to 
> finish the execution).
> I have Mac and Linux systems. So I can help for testing if needed.
> Thank you in advance!
> Zhijie

Dan Higgins                                  higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195

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