[kepler-dev] Welcome screen vs Splash screen
altintas at sdsc.edu
altintas at sdsc.edu
Thu Feb 16 08:24:54 PST 2006
> The new splash screen has no links. The new welcome screen has two links
> to
> documentation.
> As far as I understand intro.htm was being displayed in the right hand
> pane
> upon startup. The decision was made to NOT display intro.htm upon startup
> on the workflow canvas but instead for the workflow canvas to be blank.
> And
> for the splash screen to display upon startup over a blank workflow
> canvas,
> for the splash screen to disappear on its own after initialization was
> complete, and for the new welcome screen to then appear after the splash
> screen disappears.
> I'm not quite sure about the current links in intro.htm. My understanding
> is that we are going to include 3 very well documented working sample
> workflows with Release 3.0. These will be in the getting started
> documentation and we may also reference them somewhere from the help menu
> under an item like "samples." How these 3 sample workflows overlap with
> the
> stuff in the current intro.htm I don't know.
We'll provide these 3 workflows with Zhijie next week. We went through the
existing workflows and will contact the authors of the working ones.
> We don't want to include any samples that aren't well documented and
> working
> properly because that gives a very negative impression of Kepler.
> Laura L. Downey
> Senior Usability Engineer
> LTER Network Office
> Department of Biology, MSC03 2020
> 1 University of New Mexico
> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
> 505.277.3157 office
> 505.610.9657 mobile
> 505.277-2541 fax
> ldowney at lternet.edu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Ruland [mailto:kruland at ku.edu]
> Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:27 AM
> To: Laura L. Downey
> Cc: 'Kepler-Dev'
> Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] Welcome screen vs Splash screen
> What I'm hearing then is the Welcome screen and the intro.htm screen are
> duplications, right? If the Welcome screen is going to have links which
> will open workflows, then it cannot be shown until after application
> startup.
> Kevin
> Laura L. Downey wrote:
>> It was decided at the recent kepler-dev meeting that we would have both
> the
>> splash screen and the welcome screen -- the splash screen is to give
>> users
>> an idea of what is going on while Kepler is initializing etc. then it
> should
>> disappear and be replaced with the welcome screen, which is only
>> dismissed
>> upon user action (or does not appear the next time if the user unchecks
> the
>> "show this dialog upon startup" checkbox) and provides a few simple
>> links
> to
>> documentation for scientists and documentation for programmers. Just as
>> a
>> reminder, the welcome screen will have other things included in the
> future,
>> most likely links to specific samples and online tutorials etc.
>> I think we should stay with this decision for the time being since we
>> have
>> so many other things to deal with.
>> BTW, the welcome screen should not have the min/max controls. I just
> didn't
>> know how to remove them in the prototyping software I'm using. Good
>> catch
>> on that. But the welcome screen is a regular window with the standard
>> "X"
>> for closing in the upper right of the window title bar and a "close"
> button
>> in the bottom right hand corner.
>> As to the links, I have the same questions. I'm assuming (dangerous I
> know)
>> that we will be displaying PDF or HTML documentation for Kepler in a
> Kepler
>> window with the exception being any link to Ptolemy docs which will be
>> to
>> their HTML pages.
>> Laura L. Downey
>> Senior Usability Engineer
>> LTER Network Office
>> Department of Biology, MSC03 2020
>> 1 University of New Mexico
>> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
>> 505.277.3157 office
>> 505.610.9657 mobile
>> 505.277-2541 fax
>> ldowney at lternet.edu
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: kepler-dev-bounces at ecoinformatics.org
>> [mailto:kepler-dev-bounces at ecoinformatics.org] On Behalf Of Kevin Ruland
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:01 AM
>> To: Kepler-Dev
>> Subject: [kepler-dev] Welcome screen vs Splash screen
>> Hi all,
>> The welcome screen and splash screen are both in the code now. Since
>> the Welcome screen simply has http urls (and doesn't do the whole sample
>> workflow selection thing) it would be perfectly reasonable to use that
>> as the splash instead of the current one. In any case, having both of
>> them is a little noisy during startup.
>> My vote would be to have the welcome screen completely replace the
>> splash. I'd get rid of the frame (ie, make undecorated) so the user
>> doesn't have minimize/maximize buttons, make it stay on top of the other
>> application windows, and consider changing the urls it points to. Are
>> the urls going to be documents distributed with the Kepler application -
>> or will they continue to be remote http urls?
>> Kevin
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