[kepler-dev] Additional cleanup of icons for impending release.

Matthew Brooke brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Feb 15 09:39:22 PST 2006

Kevin -

The relative path to the SVG files is a temporary measure only. The icon 
files have not yet been added to the kepler cvs module, since they are 
not enabled by default, which, in turn, is because there is an 
outstanding bug to reduce the SVG file sizes first ("outstanding", as in 
"unfinished", not as in "wonderful"...).

When the SVG files are reduced in size (currently ~130 files @ ~500kB 
each), they can be added to the kepler tree, and their base path can be 
changed by simply editing a setting in uiSettings.properties.

The thumbnail icons are already added to the kepler-configs jar by the 
build, which is why they already have a classpath-relative locator 
(/actorthumbs/*-sm.gif) which is of the form you are suggesting.

I do like your suggestion of having a dedicated icons jar - this would 
enable users to swap out the entire icon set if they need to do so (and 
if they have other icon sets available, of course...). I don't know the 
build well enough to know what else is currently in the 
kepler-configs.jar - maybe this is already a similar beast?

Tim had volunteered to do the SVG file-size reduction, but he will be 
unable to do it before 24th Feb. If anyone else has some free time to do 
this before then, and some XSLT or Perl skills to show off, have at it :-)


Kevin Ruland wrote:
> I noticed that the _svgIcon attribute is assigned some relative filename 
> like:
> ../kepler-docs/dev/usability/graphics/svg/basic-actor.svg
> and the _thumbnailRasterIcon an absolute filename like:
> /actorthumbs/basic-actor-sm.gif
> I suspect these are both loaded use the class loader via 
> getResourceAsStream() or something, but it makes sense to me that we 
> distribute all these resources consistantly.  We should make a single 
> jar ( kepler-icons.jar ?) which contains all of them and use some 
> consistant naming like:
> /thumbs/basic-actor-sm.gif
> /svg/basic-actor.svg
> Or even:
> /basic-actor-sm.gif
> /basic-actor.svg
> If the names won't clash without the directory name.  I suspect the 
> names do not clash.
> This has one additional benefit that to change all the icons, you just 
> need to drop in a different jar.
> Kevin
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Matthew Brooke, Ph.D.
Marine Sciences Research Building, Room #3407
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106-6150
ph: (805) 893-7108   fx: 805-893-8062
brooke at nceas.ucsb.edu

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