[kepler-dev] repeated problems with cvs checkout
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at ucdavis.edu
Tue Aug 22 08:34:22 PDT 2006
>>> On Sat, 19 Aug 2006 05:34:27 -0700
>>> "Christopher Brooks" <cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
CB> Hi Bertram,
CB> I'm not getting that under Windows or Solaris.
hmm.. I can reliable reproduce it :-(
CB> Usually that means that there is already a file present.
yep, I've heard that also before. Seems not to be the case here
CB> I've seen Windows barf if a filename differs only in case.
CB> This is because Windows is case insensitive, case preserving.
CB> If someone checks in a file Foo.java and then renames it foo.java,
CB> then cvs has problems under Windows.
yep -- not a good naming convention when wokring w/ windows, unfortunately..
CB> However, I don't think this is happening here.
CB> Perhaps try deleting the entire directories where the problem is
CB> happening?
I did that already. Maybe I should try to axe everything .. but I
recall having had that problem earlier.. maybe it's my cvs client?
CB> _Christopher
CB> --------
CB> I keep getting these errors at checkout (and I think Dan replied to
CB> this earlier):
CB> Once I delete the "conflicting" files, the checkout works fine.
CB> The subsequent checkout (update) then reproduces the error..
CB> what is going on? (and how can we eliminate that?)
CB> thanks!
CB> Bertram
CB> cvs update: move away src/edu/sdsc/nbcr/opal/MastOpalInput.java; it is
CB> in the way
CB> C src/edu/sdsc/nbcr/opal/MastOpalInput.java
CB> cvs update: move away src/edu/sdsc/nbcr/opal/MemeOpalInput.java; it is
CB> in the way
CB> C src/edu/sdsc/nbcr/opal/MemeOpalInput.java
CB> cvs update: move away src/edu/ucsb/nceas/configxml/ConfigXML.java; it i
CB> s in the way
CB> C src/edu/ucsb/nceas/configxml/ConfigXML.java
CB> cvs update: move away src/edu/ucsb/nceas/configxml/exception/ElementNot
CB> FoundException.java; it is in the way
CB> C src/edu/ucsb/nceas/configxml/exception/ElementNotFoundException.java
CB> cvs update: move away src/edu/ucsb/nceas/configxml/exception/IndexTooLa
CB> rgeException.java; it is in the way
CB> C src/edu/ucsb/nceas/configxml/exception/IndexTooLargeException.java
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