[kepler-dev] sources for phylogenentic data portals

Mark Miller mmiller at sdsc.edu
Thu Aug 17 11:00:13 PDT 2006

Hi Jianting, 


Also, I suggest you might want to contact Brent Mshler
BMishler at calmail.berkeley.edu for information on flowering plants.

He is the lead of the Jepson herbarium.

Also Bill Piel did some simple play with displaying species form
treebase on google earth. He is william.piel at yale.com




From: Zhijie Guan [mailto:guan at sdsc.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 10:54 AM
To: Jianting Zhang
Cc: Kepler-Dev; Mark Miller
Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] sources for phylogenentic data portals


Hi Jianting,


For the data portal of phylogenetic trees, you may want to check
TreeBase at www.treebase.org. TreeBase now is part of the CIPRes project
(www.phylo.org). If you are interested, I can connect you with the
TreeBase group in SDSC/UCSD.


Some workflows for phylogenetic data analyses have been constructed as
part of the collaboration of CIPRes and Kepler. You can check them out
at http://www.phylo.org/sub_sections/software.htm. Let me know if you
want more information about them. 




Zhijie Guan

guan at sdsc.edu



On Aug 17, 2006, at 9:16 AM, Jianting Zhang wrote:



I'm working towards building a demonstrative workflow to relate
geospatial data (temperature/NDVI) with phylogenetic data for
biodiversity studies (the idea is similar to


I know many Kepler developers/users have bioinformatics/phylogenentic
backgrounds. Can anyone familiar with phylogenentic data portals point
me to some sources (especially phylogenentic tree data of flowering


Thanks and Best Regards


Jianting Zhang




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