[kepler-dev] Build Broken (by MatlabExpression.java?)

Nandita Mangal nmangal at sdsc.edu
Fri Apr 21 10:00:43 PDT 2006

hi all,
MatlabExpression developed by Tristan King is an actor which can be used 
to start matlab scripts and in  a way is very
similar to the CommandLine actor, however we were unable to use 
CommandLine actor for matlab shell starting as Matlab software
starts differently in Linux n windows, thus requiring a check for the 
operating systems etc.
MatlabStartScript was developed by me in the meantime (as a temporary 
actor , until MatlabExpression was  being fixed)
as a user wanted to start & run scripts with matlab in kepler last 
week.I remove it asap.

I will look through the MatlabExpression and fix errors.

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