[kepler-dev] NIL token
Tristan King
tristan.king at jcu.edu.au
Mon Apr 3 23:04:11 PDT 2006
Hi Christoper,
I understand the need for the nil token now, thanks for clearing that up.
I take it you're still in the middle of getting the ArrayToken nils to
work? I just want to check to make sure I'm not doing something wrong or
there's a bug.
I am still getting a conversion error when trying to send a 0 element array.
ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException: Run-time type checking
failed. Token {} with type {nil} is incompatible with port type:
in .<Unnamed Object>.Binary File Reader (dart).output
at ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort._checkType(TypedIOPort.java:741)
at ptolemy.actor.TypedIOPort.send(TypedIOPort.java:463)
at org.dart.BinaryFileReader.fire(BinaryFileReader.java:117)
at ptolemy.actor.AtomicActor.iterate(AtomicActor.java:309)
at ptolemy.actor.CompositeActor.fire(CompositeActor.java:331)
at ptolemy.actor.Manager.iterate(Manager.java:613)
at ptolemy.actor.Manager.execute(Manager.java:322)
at ptolemy.actor.Manager.run(Manager.java:987)
at ptolemy.actor.Manager$3.run(Manager.java:1028)
the port is assigned a type via the following code:
output.setTypeEquals(new ArrayType(BaseType.UNSIGNED_BYTE));
Christopher Brooks wrote:
> Hi Tristan,
> I think I have most of the implementation of an empty array working.
> I agree that having new StringToken(null) create an empty string is
> probably wrong. We could change it, but I'm not sure if it would buy
> us much, and it might break things.
> The way I'm thinking of the nil token is that it represents missing
> data that could have any value. Certain operations work on nil
> values, for example any value added to a nil returns a nil. However,
> operations like average should return regular numeric data, even if
> one or more elements of the average are nil. However, we do get
> increased uncertainty in the average, and we don't have any way
> of showing that.
> I took on the nil token task because it was at the top of the bug list
> for Kepler and it seemed like it needed to be implemented by someone
> who would make changes to the Ptolemy tree. I somewhat understand why
> we need to represent missing data, but I make no claims as to
> whether this is the right implementation. I'm sure that some people
> wish Java had better support for missing data.
> The relationship between nil and null is subtle.
> Anyway, thanks for your comments, I may have more to say later.
> _Christopher
> --------
> Ok this is a bit of a rant, and since i probably don't know even 5% of
> the internal workings of ptolemy/kepler i may be misguided in a lot of
> this rant so please correct me anywhere i need correction :).
> Maybe we need to take a step back and look at what a Token actually is,
> and what we're actually trying to achieve from a nil token. From the
> javadoc in the Token class a Token is simply a container for standard
> java objects and native types.
> So, What are we trying to achieve with a nil token? There must be a very
> good rationale to why we need such a mechanism, but i can't for the life
> of me figure out what it is. Are we trying to signify the lack of a
> variable, or a variable that has a null value?
> If we are talking about the lack of a variable, i.e an empty container
> then for one, I think nil is the wrong syntax for this.
> Now, should an empty container be allowed? Sure. But only for use as a
> trigger (i.e. the EventToken). I don't think it should be used to
> signify the lack of a value which may or may not exist.
> If we are trying to say the value in the container is null. It just
> doesn't make sense.
> If we look at the native types like ints doubles booleans etc, they
> cannot be null. They either exist, or they don't. So if the expression
> "int i = null;" is invalid in java, how can we say "IntToken i =
> Token.NIL;" (or IntToken.NIL)? I think forcing a specific condition to
> be handled as null can limit the programmer. Especially if they need to
> use the value Integer.MAX_VALUE and not have other actors view it as null.
> So what about Objects that can be assigned to null?
> What's wrong with something like:
> Object o = null;
> ObjectToken ot = new ObjectToken(o);
> or
> Object[] o = null;
> ArrayToken at = new ArrayToken(o);
> Sure, the null values stored in the Tokens may cause exceptions, but i
> think those exceptions should be handled by the programmer rather than
> avoided. I don't see why the container itself needs to know anything
> about the object it contains (except for the type).
> I feel the current direction is moving more away from the Tokens being
> transport containers to actually being the variables themselves.
> For example the StringToken container converts Strings which are null to
> Strings which have a value "". This doesn't fit with the definition of
> a container. It's not just transporting the objects, it's manipulating
> them as well. There is a very distinct difference between a String set
> to null and "", this conversion adds ambiguity to the String object.
> Another example is the ArrayToken container. When the Token is thought
> of as just being a container for arrays it makes no sense that empty
> arrays cannot be contained inside. Any array that is valid in java
> should be containable inside the token.
> As with my problem, I'm not trying to alert the other actors of the lack
> of a token, I want to send them an array that has no values. In java
> there is a distinct difference between: "Object[] o = null;" and
> "Object[] o = Object[0];". The ArrayToken container should just
> transport my array object and not be concerned about how long it is etc.
> What about the type of the array? maybe it should be specified by the
> programmer (the same way that ports have to be set), rather than being
> interpreted from the elements in the array, and have the base class as
> BaseType.OBJECT incase no type is specifically assigned. i've not put a
> lot of thought into this just yet, i'm sure i'll be doing a lot over the
> weekend :)
> In conclusion, 1. Scrap the nil token idea, and think more of how you
> would represent the missing values in a normal java program, and how you
> could contain that representation in a Token. And 2. the ArrayToken (and
> possibly some of the other tokens) need to be reworked so they act more
> like containers.
> Anyone else have any thoughts (anything to add, or critisisms) about the
> things i've brought up?
> --Tristan
> Edward A. Lee wrote:
> > At 11:53 PM 3/29/2006, Christopher Brooks wrote:
> >> I just checked in some changes so that some of the Tokens have their
> >> own NIL
> >> token. Token.NIL, DoubleToken.NIL, IntToken.NIL, LongToken.NIL and all
> >> of these NILs are of a new type, "NilType". NilType is losslessly
> >> convertible to (from?) DoubleType, IntType, LongType etc.
> >>
> >> I think we need these Token specific NILs so that the convert()
> >> method will work.
> >
> > This looks like the right solution to me...
> >
> > An awkwardness is that every token class has to have a NIL
> > and an appropriate convert method, but this awkwardness is
> > only visible to token class developers.
> >
> > I think that having an empty array be ArrayToken.NIL
> > might be a very good solution too... We could then augment
> > the expression language so that the string "{}" returns
> > an instance of this. It's element type is NilType.
> > Since this is losslessly convertible to every type
> > (including ArrayToken, by the way), then I think it should
> > just work!
> >
> > Amazing... There may be a type system paper in this...
> >
> > Edward
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------
> > Edward A. Lee
> > Professor, Chair of the EE Division, Associate Chair of EECS
> > 231 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
> > phone: 510-642-0253 or 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2845
> > eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal
> >
> --
> Tristan King | Ph: (07) 4781 6911
> DART project team | Email: Tristan.King at jcu.edu.au
> James Cook University | Web: http://dart.edu.au
> Townsville QLD 4814 | http://plone.jcu.edu.au/dart/
> Australia |
> --------
Tristan King | Ph: (07) 4781 6911
DART project team | Email: Tristan.King at jcu.edu.au
James Cook University | Web: http://dart.edu.au
Townsville QLD 4814 | http://plone.jcu.edu.au/dart/
Australia |
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