[kepler-dev] Kepler Alpha8 Release

Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Oct 5 20:39:41 PDT 2005

Hi All,

    We are going to try to put together an Alpha8 release of Kepler 
installers in the next two weeks (prior to the SEEK All-Hands meeting 
which starts on Oct 24 in San Diego). I will try to include everything 
in the head of CVS, so if you have some code that is not working or not 
quite completed, try to get it in shape for a release. [Remember that 
users who don't want to bother with the pain of setting up Ant, CVS, 
etc. will use the installers on the Kepler web site.]

    I am not quite sure when we will freeze what goes into the alpha 8 
release, but I will send out a notice when it is decided. If there is 
something that you would REALLY like in the release and it is not 
currently working, let me know.

Dan Higgins

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