[kepler-dev] SVG file in Kepler

Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Nov 10 09:20:47 PST 2005

Hi All,
    I just checked out a new copy of the head of Kepler CVS and wondered 
why it seemed to take longer than in the past.

    One reason appears to be that we now have ~ 60 MB of SVG files! (in 
kepler\docs\dev\usability\graphics\svg\). This is the same size as the 
jar directory which has our huge collection of jars needed for Kepler!

    Apparently, the SVG files are just the new icons suggested by Laura. 
But why are they so big? (about 500KB each). I thought vector graphic 
files were supposed to be compact. Are we going to ship all these with 
Kepler? Can we put them somewhere other than CVS so we don't have to 
copy them with every checkout?


Dan Higgins                                  higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/    Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195

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