[kepler-dev] [seek-dev] kepler bug and task organization for alpha8
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Nov 3 17:00:31 PST 2005
Oh yeah, one more thing. I partially reorganized the Kepler release
roadmap, and I will finish updating it after I have completed the bug
prioritization with everyone. The current version is here:
Matt Jones wrote:
> NOTE: I make some requests of kepler developers below -- please read
> thoroughly.
> I've been working on the reclassification and organization of our tasks
> for the alpha8 Kepler release. I also entered new bugs from my notes
> that came up in the meeting for Kepler (I haven't entered EcoGrid bugs
> yet). I am partially done, but need input from Kepler contributors. I
> have organized the bugs into 11 component categories (data access,
> documentation, interface, core, actors, director, installer, pipelines,
> build system, general, semantics) -- see below for a fuller explanation
> of each component category. I also assigned each bug to a developer,
> and categorized its severity. Bugs that MUST be fixed by alpha8 were
> marked with a critical or blocker severity and will show up in red in
> bugzilla.
> Its interesting to view the bugs and sort by component and then target
> milestone, or by severity and then target milestone (you need to 'Change
> Columns' to see the Target Milestone field). The bug list is here:
> http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/buglist.cgi?product=Kepler&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED
> And of course you can query for the bugs that are assigned to you.
> What I need you each to do is to review your current areas of work and
> your task lists and make sure that every item on your lists regarding
> Kepler is in the Bugzilla DB. If not, please enter a new bug and
> correctly classify it, and then set its targte milestone properly.
> Once this is done, I will then be able to go through with each of you
> and see how to prioritize tasks for each person in SEEK to realistically
> get to our desired alpha8 release in December. This may involve
> demoting some features to a later target milestone, but I won't know
> until we have the full list.
> Also, from this point forward I ask that we use bugzilla more
> consistently. If you are making changes to the code, you should already
> have a bug or feature description that you are working towards. New
> bugs you enter should be properly classified in terms of severity and
> component and target milestone. When you make major progress on a
> feature, please update the bug, and when you finish work on a bug,
> please close it.
> I'll continue this prioritization exercise Monday. Please update your
> bug lists by then if at all possible.
> Thanks.
> Matt
> Descriptions of the 11 Kepler component areas
> ----------------------------------------------
> data access: The subsytem within Kepler for accessing and retrieving
> external data, including from systems like EcoGrid,
> Metacat, and the SRB. This includes data and metadata
> handling actors and data source actors.
> tao and ruland
> documentation: The Kepler documentation subsystem, including actor
> metadata approaches and the actual docuemntation needed
> by users and developers.
> altintas and romanello
> interface: user interface bugs and improvements
> brooke and downey
> core: kepler core bugs and improvements, inlcuding basic
> framework and infrastructure for managing workflows
> berkley and ruland
> actors: actor bugs and additions
> director: director bugs and additions
> installer: a user friendly installer for kepler
> higgins
> pipelines: this component has to do with entire pipelines instead
> of just an actor or director
> higgins
> build system: the build system for kepler
> berkley
> general: general kepler bugs not associated with another
> component.
> semantics: Tools and features related to semantic handling within
> workflows, including semantic data and actor discovery,
> workflow validation, semantic workflow composition, and
> data and actor integration.
> bowers
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu Ph: 907-789-0496
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinformatics
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