[kepler-dev] [kepler-cvs] kepler/workflows/test UnitConversion.xml

Shawn Bowers sbowers at ucdavis.edu
Wed May 11 10:37:14 PDT 2005


This is great.  I think the "dynamic" unit system is older. And the 
static unit type system was added to give more control at "design-time". 
  It sounds like the two systems don't really work together, except to 
use the same unit definitions.

The becquerel/hertz example is a good one.


Dan Higgins wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
>    Things are a little more complicated than I indicated. There are 
> static and dynamic unit treatments, as indicated in the referenced 
> sections of the documentation. The example uses the dynamic unit 
> treatment which doesn't set units on the ports at all! [The static unit 
> compatibility uses the port settings, as I understand it.] The 
> interesting thing is that the unit conversion apparently uses an 
> agebraic parser so that new combined units can be used. This is a 
> capability you may need to add to your semantic engine.
>    BTW, I think Rich's original example was the 'becquerel ' and the 
> 'hertz'. Both have units of inverse time (1/seconds), but the becquerel 
> is designed to measure radioactivity while the hertz is a unit of 
> frequency. To my thinking this is an example of mixing semantics and 
> units (like count/(1.6 m2)) where the area of the test (1.6 m2) has been 
> mixed in with the unit.
>    I didn't mean to imply that we shouldn't check unit compatibility; I 
> just wanted to point out what Kepler does now.
> Dan
> ----
> Shawn Bowers wrote:
>> It's not clear from your log message Dan, but it sounds like you are 
>> saying that when you run a workflow with connected ports having 
>> different units, the unit system (sitting in the background) 
>> automatically does the unit conversions.
>> I wonder if this is the way we want to do it in Kepler from a UI 
>> perspective, i.e., I think we probably want to (a) notify users when 
>> units are incompatible prior to running the workflow (which can be 
>> done now in Ptolemy but only by running the "constraint solver"), and 
>> (b) offer to "resolve" the incompatibility via a set of choices (for 
>> units, the choices are probably pretty limitted).  In general, as Matt 
>> and Rich have pointed out, there are cases where you can convert the 
>> units, but semantically the conversion is incorrect.
>> shawn
>> Daniel Higgins wrote:
>>> higgins     05/05/11 09:53:30
>>>   Added:       workflows/test UnitConversion.xml
>>>   Log:
>>>   An example of how unit conversions can be automatically carried out 
>>> by Kepler/PTII.
>>>     Revision  Changes    Path
>>>   1.1                  kepler/workflows/test/UnitConversion.xml
>>>     Index: UnitConversion.xml
>>>   ===================================================================
>>>   <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
>>>   <!DOCTYPE entity PUBLIC "-//UC Berkeley//DTD MoML 1//EN"
>>>       "http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/xml/dtd/MoML_1.dtd">
>>>   <entity name="UnitConversion" 
>>> class="ptolemy.actor.TypedCompositeActor">
>>>       <property name="_createdBy" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.attributes.VersionAttribute" value="5.0-beta">
>>>       </property>
>>>       <property name="SDF Director" 
>>> class="ptolemy.domains.sdf.kernel.SDFDirector">
>>>           <property name="iterations" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.300.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="[265.0, 115.0]">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </property>
>>>       <property name="BasicUnits" class="ptolemy.data.unit.UnitSystem">
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.234.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="meters" class="ptolemy.data.unit.BaseUnit" 
>>> value="1.0">
>>>               <property name="Length" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.unit.UnitCategory">
>>>               </property>
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="meter" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="meters">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="m" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="meters">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="cm" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="0.01*meters">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="centimeters" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="cm">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="centimeter" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="cm">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="mm" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="0.001*meters">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="millimeter" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="mm">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="millimeters" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="mm">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="in" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="2.54*cm">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="inch" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="in">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="inches" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="in">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="seconds" class="ptolemy.data.unit.BaseUnit" 
>>> value="1.0">
>>>               <property name="Time" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.unit.UnitCategory">
>>>               </property>
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="sec" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="seconds">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="second" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="seconds">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="ms" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="0.001*seconds">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="millisecond" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="ms">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="milliseconds" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="ms">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_iconDescription" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.SingletonConfigurableAttribute">
>>>               <configure>
>>>             <svg>
>>>               <rect x="-30" y="-15" width="60" height="30" 
>>> style="fill:grey"></rect>
>>>             </svg>
>>>           </configure>
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="[275.0, 175.0]">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </property>
>>>       <property name="Annotation" 
>>> class="ptolemy.vergil.kernel.attributes.TextAttribute">
>>>           <property name="text" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute" value="This is an example 
>>> of unit conversion in Kepler, as supplied by PtolemyII.&#10;First, 
>>> add a Unit System ('Basics Units' in this example). Then you can 
>>> use&#10;expressions of units as indicated in this example and unit 
>>> conversion will be&#10;automatically carried out. Note that the 
>>> results of adding these 4 velocities is&#10;&quot;12.0254 * meters / 
>>> seconds&quot;&#10;&#10;Dan Higgins - May 11, 2005">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.233.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="{65, 430}">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </property>
>>>       <property name="_windowProperties" 
>>> class="ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute" 
>>> value="{bounds={222, 118, 836, 787}, maximized=false}">
>>>       </property>
>>>       <property name="_vergilSize" 
>>> class="ptolemy.actor.gui.SizeAttribute" value="[600, 660]">
>>>       </property>
>>>       <property name="_vergilZoomFactor" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.ExpertParameter" value="1.0">
>>>       </property>
>>>       <property name="_vergilCenter" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.ExpertParameter" value="{300.0, 330.0}">
>>>       </property>
>>>       <entity name="Display" class="ptolemy.actor.lib.gui.Display">
>>>           <property name="_windowProperties" 
>>> class="ptolemy.actor.gui.WindowPropertiesAttribute" 
>>> value="{bounds={953, 800, 292, 224}, maximized=false}">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.7.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="{420, 270}">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </entity>
>>>       <entity name="Constant" class="ptolemy.actor.lib.Const">
>>>           <property name="value" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="1*m/sec">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.1.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_icon" 
>>> class="ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValueIcon">
>>>               <property name="attributeName" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute" value="value">
>>>               </property>
>>>               <property name="displayWidth" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="40">
>>>               </property>
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="{90, 235}">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </entity>
>>>       <entity name="Constant2" class="ptolemy.actor.lib.Const">
>>>           <property name="value" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="1*cm/ms">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.1.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_icon" 
>>> class="ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValueIcon">
>>>               <property name="attributeName" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute" value="value">
>>>               </property>
>>>               <property name="displayWidth" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="40">
>>>               </property>
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="{90, 280}">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </entity>
>>>       <entity name="Constant3" class="ptolemy.actor.lib.Const">
>>>           <property name="value" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="1000*mm/sec">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.1.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_icon" 
>>> class="ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValueIcon">
>>>               <property name="attributeName" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute" value="value">
>>>               </property>
>>>               <property name="displayWidth" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="40">
>>>               </property>
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="{90, 325}">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </entity>
>>>       <entity name="Constant4" class="ptolemy.actor.lib.Const">
>>>           <property name="value" class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" 
>>> value="1*inches/sec">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.1.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_icon" 
>>> class="ptolemy.vergil.icon.BoxedValueIcon">
>>>               <property name="attributeName" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.StringAttribute" value="value">
>>>               </property>
>>>               <property name="displayWidth" 
>>> class="ptolemy.data.expr.Parameter" value="40">
>>>               </property>
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="{90, 375}">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </entity>
>>>       <entity name="Add or Subtract" 
>>> class="ptolemy.actor.lib.AddSubtract">
>>>           <property name="entityId" 
>>> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
>>> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.69.1">
>>>           </property>
>>>           <property name="_location" 
>>> class="ptolemy.kernel.util.Location" value="[245.0, 290.0]">
>>>           </property>
>>>       </entity>
>>>       <relation name="relation" class="ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation">
>>>       </relation>
>>>       <relation name="relation2" class="ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation">
>>>       </relation>
>>>       <relation name="relation3" class="ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation">
>>>       </relation>
>>>       <relation name="relation4" class="ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation">
>>>       </relation>
>>>       <relation name="relation5" class="ptolemy.actor.TypedIORelation">
>>>       </relation>
>>>       <link port="Display.input" relation="relation5"/>
>>>       <link port="Constant.output" relation="relation2"/>
>>>       <link port="Constant2.output" relation="relation3"/>
>>>       <link port="Constant3.output" relation="relation4"/>
>>>       <link port="Constant4.output" relation="relation"/>
>>>       <link port="Add or Subtract.plus" relation="relation"/>
>>>       <link port="Add or Subtract.plus" relation="relation2"/>
>>>       <link port="Add or Subtract.plus" relation="relation3"/>
>>>       <link port="Add or Subtract.plus" relation="relation4"/>
>>>       <link port="Add or Subtract.output" relation="relation5"/>
>>>   </entity>
>>>       _______________________________________________
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