[kepler-dev] Fwd: ENM workflow + a quick Kepler tutorial
Shawn Bowers
sbowers at ucdavis.edu
Thu Mar 17 23:11:27 PST 2005
Aren't most of the highlighted issues EML or even semantic typing
issues, i.e., that a data set has lat/lon values or that a data set
contains species abundance/presence/biomass measurements tied to a
location (that can be translated somehow to a lat/lon)?
I think A, B, C, and D could all be handled via semantic mediation
(e.g., see our SWDB04 paper). Of course, this work is not implemented
within Kepler, but will be soon, and could be done even with very simple
ontologies such as the one described in that paper (note that the
prototype in the paper was implemented).
>> Current Status of ENM (GARP) workflow - 17 Mar 2005
>> *1) Species occurrence information
>> In current examples, a search has been made on the 'Data' tab for
>> 'Mephitis' [a skunk]. There are multiple hits (~32), but only 2 of
>> these have lat, long location data. This is determined by a visual
>> inspection of the Digir data. The 2 data sets are concatenated using a
>> Kepler expression actor and the '+' operator. *
>> *There are several problems with the current approach:
>> A) Searches return multiple hits and there is no automatic way to
>> determine which species searches have location data.
>> B) Given results with location data, we do not have a way to
>> automatically combine the results into a (long, lat) list.
>> C) Somehow, the Taxon group work needs to be integrated into the
>> locations tabulation. HOW DO WE DO THAT?
>> D) Does sufficient location information exist yet for species of
>> interest? What are the species of most interest? [We need a number of
>> locations to subset for training to build the best subsets workflow.] *
>> 2) Climate/Environment layer preparation
>> 3) Best subset calculation
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