[kepler-dev] Fwd: [VOTE] request membership for Wibke Sudholt

Jing Tao tao at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Jun 9 16:41:55 PDT 2005



vouk wrote:

> Approve
> mav
> Ilkay Altintas wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Ilkay Altintas <altintas at sdsc.edu>
>>> Date: June 9, 2005 9:55:14 AM PDT
>>> To: Kepler-Dev <kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org>
>>> Subject: [kepler-dev] [VOTE] request membership for Wibke Sudholt
>>> Dear All,
>>> I would like to nominate Wibke Sudholt 
>>> (http://www.baldridge.unizh.ch/~wibke/)
>>> for membership into the Kepler developers group.
>>> Wibke has been conributing the existing codebase and workflows she 
>>> developed
>>> for the Resurgence project as a trial account user. She is a chemist 
>>> by training
>>> and currently works as the Computational Grid Lead in the Baldridge 
>>> Group at the
>>> University of Zurich. I have been working with Wibke more than a 
>>> year now and
>>> she had been great to work with.
>>> The goal of the Resurgence (RESearch sURGe ENabled by 
>>> CyberinfrastructurE)
>>> project (http://www.baldridge.unizh.ch/resurgence/) is to build a 
>>> flexible
>>> workflow infrastructure for computational chemistry. It shall allow
>>> scientists to easily combine different external application codes, to
>>> prepare, run, and analyze high-throughput calculations, and to 
>>> distribute
>>> the most time-consuming steps onto a computational Grid. Up to now, the
>>> computational chemistry codes GAMESS, Open Babel, Babel, and QMView 
>>> were
>>> integrated, and further extensions are planned. The Grid distribution
>>> interface is general and based on the Nimrod toolkit for distributed
>>> parametric modeling (http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~davida/nimrod/), 
>>> but we
>>> also would like to make other execution possibilities available.
>>> Please respond to the list (kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org) within 5
>>> business days (until wednesday, June 15th at 5pm) with any commentary
>>> and a vote as follows:
>>>      * Approve (+1) - Wibke should BECOME A KEPLER VOTING MEMBER
>>>      * Neutral (0)  -- NO OPINION
>>>      * Disapprove (-1) - Wibke should NOT BECOME A KEPLER VOTING 
>>> MEMBER*.
>>> *Note that a vote of Disapprove is a veto which guarantees failure of
>>> the vote, so if you vote Disapprove, you must provide a reason for 
>>> doing so.
>>> If we don't get at least 2/3 of the members casting a vote, we should
>>> probably ask for another vote or say that this vote has failed.
>>> If you have any questions about this process, please refer to:
>>> (http://kepler.ecoinformatics.org/management.html).
>>> *Note that only current contributing members of the project can vote.
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>>Kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
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