[kepler-dev] Dynamicalling adding properties (attributes) to the relation ......

jagan Jagan.Kommineni at infotech.monash.edu.au
Mon Jun 6 17:57:40 PDT 2005

Hello Ilkay,

In continuation to my previous mail,  even If I remove the Composite 
Actor entry in the configuration file basicKeplerActorLibrary.xml
still I am able to create a relation without any error message. It looks 
for me my JTypedCompositeActor hasn't been loaded.

Do you know is there any other location where the Composite Actor has 
been configured?

with regards,

Jagan Kommineni

This entry I removed from the basicKeplerActorLibrary.xml file ....
<entity name="Composite Actor" class="griddles.JTypedCompositeActor">
     <property name="entityId" 

jagan wrote:

> Hello Edward,
> I have made the following changes  for creating property to the 
> relation and  I worked before, and it not working now,
> Could you mind to advise please?.
> 1.  I did subclass  the TpedCompisiteActor and  I have overridden 
> newRelation method which is as floows,
> ========================================================================== 
> package griddles;
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
> //// JTypedCompositeActor
> public class JTypedCompositeActor extends TypedCompositeActor{
>  public JTypedCompositeActor() {
>    super();
>    }
>  public JTypedCompositeActor(Workspace workspace) {
>    super(workspace);
>    }
>  public JTypedCompositeActor(CompositeEntity container, String name)
>        throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException {
>    super(container, name);
>    }
>  public ComponentRelation newRelation(String name) throws 
> NameDuplicationException {
>    try {
>      workspace().getWriteAccess();
>      TypedIORelation relation = new TypedIORelation(this, name);
>      StringParameter param = new StringParameter(this, name);
>      param.setExpression("Enter "+name);         return relation;
>      }
>    catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
>      // This exception should not occur, so we throw a runtime
>      // exception.
>      throw new InternalErrorException(this, ex, null);
>      }
>    finally {
>      workspace().doneWriting();
>      }
>    }
>  }
> ============================================================================== 
> 2. I made the following changes to the configuration file,  
> basicKeplerActorLibrary.xml
>    <entity name="Composite Actor" class="griddles.JTypedCompositeActor">
>      <property name="entityId" 
> class="org.ecoinformatics.seek.util.NamedObjId" 
> value="urn:lsid:ecoinformatics.org:kepler.118.1"/>
>    </entity>
> 3. I checked the new configuration file that was loaded while running 
> kepler has loaded the updated configuration file,    [java] 
> *sys-package-mgr*: processing modified jar, 
> 'C:\kepler\build\kepler-configs.jar'.
> 4. When I connect two actors with a relation, I am not able see any 
> new property that was created in the JTypedCompositeActor.
> 5. Whereas when I do same thing few months back I was able to see 
> property when ever I create new relation.
> with regards,
> Jagan Kommineni
> Edward A. Lee wrote:
>> The easiest way to do this, I think, would be to subclass
>> TypedCompositeActor and override the newRelation() method to
>> return a relation that contains the parameter you are interested in.
>> You would then want to create a new configuration that uses
>> your subclass rather than TypedCompositeActor.
>> Edward
>> At 12:12 PM 12/22/2004 +1100, jagan wrote:
>>> References: <200412211640.iBLGeCRR028721 at maury.eecs.berkeley.edu> 
>>> <1103669339.6784.174.camel at kyoto>
>>> In-Reply-To: <1103669339.6784.174.camel at kyoto>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>> Hi Ilkay, Christpher,
>>>          Would you mind to give me some information for adding
>>> properties (attributes) to the relation at the time when actrs
>>> connecting graphically. I know it is possible to add properties
>>> dynamically by right clicking during the design phase.  In the GriddLeS
>>> project  I need to pass  some information  which is more integrated to
>>> the relation rather than actor. I want this happen automatically when
>>> user tries to connect actors. I will appreciate if you could give some
>>> clues in this aspect.
>>> with regards,
>>> Jagan Kommineni
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>> ------------
>> Edward A. Lee, Professor
>> 518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
>> phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2718
>> eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal
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