[kepler-dev] {Filename?} Additing an attribute to the relation ....... in kepler by making subcalss to TypedCompositeActor.
Jagan.Kommineni at infotech.monash.edu.au
Tue Jul 26 17:19:12 PDT 2005
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Hi All,
I would like to add a new attribute to the relation at the creating
time by making subclass to TypedCompositeActor.java.
I have made the following changes to the original ptolemy
TypedCompositeActor.java for the function newRelation,
StringParameter param = new StringParameter(relation, name);
/** Create a new TypedIORelation with the specified name, add it
* to the relation list, and return it. Derived classes can override
* this to create domain-specific subclasses of TypedIORelation.
* This method is write-synchronized on the workspace.
* @param name The name for the new TypedIORelation.
* @return A new TypedIORelation.
* @exception NameDuplicationException If name collides with a name
* already on the container's contents list.
public ComponentRelation newRelation(String name)
throws NameDuplicationException {
try {
TypedIORelation relation = new TypedIORelation(this, name);
StringParameter param = new StringParameter(relation, name);
return relation;
} catch (IllegalActionException ex) {
// This exception should not occur, so we throw a runtime
// exception.
throw new InternalErrorException(this, ex, null);
} finally {
I am able to see the listed property to the relation, I am here with
attaching the snapshot .
Now, I make same changes to the subclass JTypedCompositActor.java and
modified the configuration file read
my subclass instead of ptolemy's original TypedCompositeActor.java.
(with out any modifications to TypedCompositeActor.java file)
The changes I made to the configuration file
basicKeplerActorLibrary.xml is as follows
<entity name="Composite Actor" class="griddles.JTypedCompositeActor">
<property name="entityId"
I am not able to see any property created for the relation. I am here
with enclosing all the necessary file for you to look at it.
with regards,
Jagan Kommineni
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