[kepler-dev] kepler release conference call

Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Dec 8 12:27:21 PST 2005


Once again we're behind on the release schedule for Kepler as described 
in the roadmap 

We have an upcoming training in January for SEEK and we need a version 
of Kepler to be used in that training ASAP.  So, I am going to propose 
some changes to the roadmap (see below), and would like to discuss them 
in a conference call.  In particular, I'd like to discuss which bugs 
that are currently targeted at alpha8 could be slid to a new alpha9 
release.  Please be sure that all bugs assigned to you in Bugzilla have 
a valid target milestone, and that anything you are working on is 
captured in an existing bug description. Thanks.

Proposed conference call:
Monday Dec 12, 2005 10:00am pacific time
Code: 39501

Please let me know if you can not make that time.

Proposed changes to release schedule:

Alpha 8: release and cut on Dec 17, 2006
          includes as many features as possible but stable enough for

Alpha 9: Jan 31, 2006
          this new alpha release becomes the feature freeze for 1.0.0

  Beta 1: Feb 28, 2006
          slide date to accomodate new alpha 9 release

   1.0.0: April 15, 2006 (tax day)
          slide date to accomodate addt'l release

Matt Jones                                   Ph: 907-789-0496
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu                    SIP #: 1-747-626-7082
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara     http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinformatics

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