[kepler-dev] Notes about building Kepler under Windows (Cygwin)
Dan Higgins
higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Dec 6 12:20:45 PST 2005
Your errors at the end (regarding TokenSentListener) look like you
are not compiling against the latest checkout of Ptolemy (since the
Provenance stuff is in the PTII CVS, I think).
Also, I had never looked at the QuickTime interface, but I think
Apple put it in the lib\ext\
directory to make sure it gets into the classpath regardless of what the
classpath setting is. The Kepler ant scripts (like 'ant run-dev') set
the classpath in the java invocation, so they should be completely
independent of the $CLASSPATH environment variable.
Christopher Brooks wrote:
>I was having the following problem building Kepler under Windows with
>Cygwin. Basically, not matter what I did, then when I ran ant I
>got the list of targets.
>I downloaded ant-1.6.5 today and a clean kepler source tree.
>Anyway, here's what I did:
>bash-3.00$ echo $KEPLER
>bash-3.00$ echo $PTII
>bash-3.00$ echo $JAVA_HOME
>bash-3.00$ echo $ANT_HOME
>bash-3.00$ ant full-clean ptolemy
>Buildfile: build.xml
> [echo] You must set two environment variables before running this
> [echo] build. Set KEPLER to the location of your kepler
> [echo] directory and set PTII to the location of your ptolemy
> directory.
> [echo] On Windows, still use forward slashes (/) in directory
> paths.
> [echo] Targets:
> [echo] --------
> [echo] ant install -- builds and installs files in $PTII
> [echo] ant run -- builds, installs, and runs the
> application
> [echo] ant ptolemy -- builds the ptolemy source in $PTII
> [echo] ant vergil -- runs the original vergil editor
> [echo] ant clean -- deletes the temporary build files
> [echo] ant ptolemy-clean -- deletes the ptolemy build files
> [echo] ant full-clean -- deletes the kepler and ptolemy build
> files
> [echo] ant javadoc -- creates javadoc documentation in
> website/javadoc
> [echo] ant run-dev -- run kepler without jarring
> anything...for development purposes
> [echo] ant run-jinidev -- run kepler allowing for jini-based
> applications (eg. DistributedDirector)
> [echo] ant runQB -- runs the standalone QueryBuilder
> [echo] ant runDCV -- runs the standalone DataCacheViewer
> [echo] ant buildkarlib -- builds the ksw library from the actor
> list moml file
>Total time: 0 seconds
>It turns out that the problem was because the Apple Quicktime Java
>interface adds to the CLASSPATH in a totally non-standard way!
>It adds "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_08\lib\ext\QTJava.zip"
>to the classpath:
>$ echo $CLASSPATH
>GRA~1\JMF21~1.1E\lib;C:\WINDOWS\java\classes;.;"C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2
>Which causes problems in shell scripts.
>I had to hack up $PTII/bin/ptinvoke.in to attempt to handle this.
>My fix was to unset CLASSPATH, which causes ant to work.
>Now, when I run "ant run-dev", I get:
> compile-dev:
> [javac] Compiling 795 source files to
> C:\cxh\src\kepler\build\classes
> [javac]
> C:\cxh\src\kepler\build\src\ptolemy\actor\ProvenanceExecutionListener.java:77:
> cannot resolve symbol
> [javac] symbol : class TokenSentListener
> [javac] location: class ptolemy.actor.ProvenanceExecutionListener
> [javac] implements ExecutionListener,
> ChangeListener, TokenSentListener {
> [javac]
> ^
> [javac]
> C:\cxh\src\kepler\build\src\ptolemy\actor\ProvenanceExecutionListener.java:631:
> cannot resolve symbol
> [javac] symbol : class TokenSentEvent
> [javac] location: class ptolemy.actor.ProvenanceExecutionListener
> [javac] public void tokenSentEvent(TokenSentEvent event) {
> [javac] ^
> [javac]
> C:\cxh\src\kepler\build\src\ptolemy\actor\ProvenanceExecutionListener.java:219:
> cannot resolve symbol
> [javac] symbol : method addTokenSentListener
> (ptolemy.actor.ProvenanceExecutionListener)
> [javac] location: class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
> [javac] port.addTokenSentListener(this);
> [javac] ^
> [javac]
> C:\cxh\src\kepler\build\src\ptolemy\actor\ProvenanceExecutionListener.java:568:
> cannot resolve symbol
> [javac] symbol : method removeTokenSentListener
> (ptolemy.actor.ProvenanceExecutionListener)
> [javac] location: class ptolemy.actor.IOPort
> [javac]
> port.removeTokenSentListener(this);
> [javac] ^
> [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> [javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
> [javac] 4 errors
>I've made some minor mods to the INSTALL file to make it more clear for
>people like myself.
>BTW - we have this test called the "Edward Test", where the ultimate
>test of a piece of software is whether Edward can get it installed on
>his laptop. PtinyOS does not pass the Edward Test under Windows. I'd
>like to make sure that Kepler does :-)
>Let me know if my changes to INSTALL are inappropriate, feel free
>to reverse them.
>Lately I've been trying to write installation instructions at two
>levels, one for the gods of software, which include really terse
>instructions, the other level for people that have questions.
>Kepler-dev mailing list
>Kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Ph: 805-893-5127
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) Marine Science Building - Room 3405
Santa Barbara, CA 93195
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