[kepler-dev] Logging frameworks in Kepler
Kevin Ruland
kruland at ku.edu
Fri Dec 2 13:37:01 PST 2005
As some of you know, we are using some 3rd party jars which require use
of the Apache Jakarta Commons Logging
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/index.html system. In
particular this package is required by the Jena code used within SMS.
To make a long story short, we have the facilities to do runtime
configurable logging so we might as well take advantage.
Towards this end, I played around with this a little this morning and
have found a way to use and configure it when running Kepler. There are
two parts required to use it: the java code must use the proper API
when issuing logging messages, and the runtime system must have access
to the proper configuration files.
Commons logging is a unified api to mutliple backend logger
implementations. It supports log4j, jdk1.4 built in logging, and a
couple of others. Since we have to have log4j (used by other jar files)
this is the most natural back end to use. In order to have
commons-logging configure log4j you only need to have a log4j.properties
file in the classpath. One easy place to put this is in build/classes
and it will be loaded when you do ant run-dev. I have gone so far as to
change my build.xml to automatically copy this file to the correct place
each time I do a run-dev.
I have committed a simple log4j.properties file which can be used as an
example. This particular file logs to CONSOLE (stdout) and only logs
messages with priority > WARN (warn, error, fatal). It formats the
messages nicely. You can peruse
http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/manual.html to learn a little more
about log4j if you wish. You can adjust the log verbosity by changing
the default log level (first line), or you can change it for particular
categories of log messages. I have found Jena to be very noisy (and not
helpful) so I put this line in my local log4j.properties:
Finally, to use Commons Logging in a java class you need to:
1) Import the commons logging classes.
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
2) In the class create a static variable to hold the logger:
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog( <category> );
here <category> is a string which represents the logging category. Many
people like each java class to define a different category so you would
replace <category> with Classname.class.getName(). However, it might be
beneficial to have multiple classes log to the same 'logical category'
in which case all those classes should use the same category string.
For example, Matthew's xml/svg icon stuff might want to log everything
to a single category called "org.kepler.XMLIcons". Or whatever.
3) Whenever you want to issue a diagnotic message call the logger methods:
logger.debug( "Here is a debug message");
The commons-logging user guide
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/logging/guide.html has some
suggestions about using code guards when the arguments require some
computation, and also lists the available logging methods. These
methods take either an Object (on which it calls toString()), or an
Object and a Throwable. The Throwable will be used to print a stack trace.
I think runtime configuration of logging is in generate A Good Thing
(tm) and can help people focus on the problems in specific pieces of code.
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