[kepler-dev] Responding to AttributeChanged
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Aug 9 16:15:03 PDT 2005
I think Ilkay also ran into this problem when trying to develop the menu
of operations that are generated in the Web Service actor when the
endpoint is changed. Is that right Ilkay? I'm pretty sure she
concluded that the menu would only update after a MoMLChangeRequest was
sent, which happens upon commit. Manually submitting a MoML change
request when focus leaves the 'X' field might do the trick, although
IIRC the dialog doesn't get notified of the model change and needs to be
recreated. If the configuration dialog listened to change requests to
the model then this could probably be fixed, which would benefit the Web
Service actor too.
Nandita Mangal wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am working on the development of an actor (it
> extends TypedAtomicActor) in Kepler in which I need to
> addChoices to another Parameter (say parameter Y)
> based on the value of parameter X in the
> EditParametersDialog.
> Hence in the AttributeChanged method, I do the check
> if parameter X was indeed changed and then try to set
> the possible choices for Y parameter accordingly.
> However the choices for parameter Y are not shown
> instantly in the dialog (only after pressing commit
> with param X) and then re-clicking the actor again can
> I see the newly added Y param choices in the
> EditParametersDialog.
> public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
> throws IllegalActionException {
> if(attribute == X) {
> if(!(X.getExpression().equals("")))
> {
> Y.addChoice("XY1");
> Y.addChoice("XY2");
> Y.addChoice("XY3");
> }
> }
> }
> After doing the above, Y param's new choices show only
> after pressing commit and then re-opening
> EditParametersDialog.
> Is there any way I can manually refresh/update the
> EditParametersDialog so that it can show the newly
> added choices for param Y in the same dailog before
> pressing commit.
> thanks for the help.
> nandita mangal.
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Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Fax: 425-920-2439 Ph: 907-789-0496
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California Santa Barbara
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