[kepler-dev] latest prototype

Laura L. Downey ldowney at lternet.edu
Tue Aug 2 09:18:41 PDT 2005

FYI - I've uploaded the latest design prototype (user interface and
interaction design) for Kepler.  The file is:
C:\kepler\docs\dev\usability\prototype\laura-test-kepler-Aug05.exe and the
additions/changes (from the one shown at Santa Barbara) include:


-some menu adjustments based on feedback and additional features to be

  o renamed JVM Properties to Check System Settings and moved to Tools menu

  o added Compatible Components to Tools menu, right click actor menu, and
right click menu of components list

  o added Type Checking (Visual, Summary, Both) to Tools menu and workflow
right click menu

  o added List Resource Access to Tools menu

-redesigned data sources screen (used to select which data sources to

-redesigned ecogrid search screen (used to find data sources on ecogrid
which can then be added to data sources screen)

-added support for notes and names (see the various configure dialogs)

-added example of scrollable tab panel (workflow configuration dialog, notes

-added annotation support, see annotation tabs in configure dialogs and
Annotate Components dialog available from Tools Menu or right click menu of
components list, also see Ports tab in actor configuration dialog

-authentication dialogs (right click on the bottom left panel to get a menu
that has lots of various screens listed - just a dummy menu to provide
access to various screens and alternatives, the first four listed:
authentication, auth succ 1, auth succ 2, and auth err will display the
authentication dialogs.  The other menu items are just some of my various
alternatives designs before I arrived at the current design for the
annotation dialog)

-some graphic and color changes based on feedback in Santa Barbara but I'm
still waiting on the final set of images etc from the graphic designer to
include in the prototype


The prototype was built using Visual Basic with Infragistics installed on
top (presentation layer plug-in).  All the DLL's it needs are included in
the prototype directory and it is designed to run on Windows boxes.  Lots of
the data included is just dummy data or mocked up - the prototype is not
totally interactive and I didn't program all the buttons so if you want to
get rid of screens just use the "x" in the top right corner to close the



Laura L. Downey
Senior Usability Engineer
LTER Network Office
Department of Biology, MSC03 2020
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM  87131-0001
505.277.3157 phone

505.277-2541 fax
ldowney at lternet.edu



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