[kepler-dev] computation ontologies

Chad Berkley berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed Sep 15 09:58:36 PDT 2004

Hi Rich,

Shawn, Matt and I were having a conversation on IRC this morning about 
ontologies in Kepler.  For the last couple days, I've been trying to 
classify the actors in the actor library.  Shawn said you may have some 
sort of computation ontology that might be helpful in doing this.  Do 
you have anything of that sort?  Do you have any recommendations on how 
I (we) should go about doing this?  The goal is to have (at least) a 
preliminary categorization of the actors for the 10/15 kepler release. 
Shawn has gotten Jena working in kepler so we now have an ontology based 
search engine, but no real ontology to search with.  If you have any 
ideas on this, we'd be stoked to hear them.


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