[kepler-dev] membership nomination: Shawn Bowers

Bertram Ludaescher ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Tue Oct 12 12:42:07 PDT 2004


Some further info: In addition to development contributions, Shawn has
also been working for quite a while on semantic type extensions for
scientific workflows. This research will also eventually (or even
beforehand ;-) make it into Kepler.


>>>>> "CB" == Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> writes:
CB> I'd like to propose kepler membership for Shawn Bowers.  Shawn has been 
CB> working on kepler for the last month integrating ontologically driven 
CB> categorization into the actor library.  All of his checkins have been 
CB> through my username.
CB> As usual, please vote with an approve, reject or neutral.  Remember that 
CB> any rejection vetoes the entire vote.  Please vote by 10/19/04.
CB> Thanks,
CB> chad
CB> _______________________________________________
CB> kepler-dev mailing list
CB> kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
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