[kepler-dev] Actor List order
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Mon Nov 8 15:12:34 PST 2004
The "ontology view" should be dynamic but not *that* dynamic ;-)
I guess simply ordering by name (within each category) should make the
behavior much more desirable (deterministic that is..)
>>>>> "DH" == Dan Higgins <higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu> writes:
DH> Shawn & Chad,
DH> I noticed that if I launch Kepler multiple times, the order of
DH> actors that appear in the actor tree changes! i.e. under 'Converters' I
DH> see the actors arranged in a different order each time I restart Kepler
DH> (The order is constant for multiple windows on a single launch, but is
DH> different for multiple launches.) Is there something random here? (It is
DH> somewhat confusing!)
DH> Dan
DH> --
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