[kepler-dev] complex data types and web service harvester..
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Thu Nov 4 10:32:09 PST 2004
Hi Jianting:
I think the problem is interesting enough to dig further and try to
find a general solution (yeah, I know: easier said than done ;-)
I wonder whether Yang from Ptolemy has looked at this issue too..
Maybe I can convince the folks here at the SEEK mtg to elevate this to
the agenda in the Kepler session tomorrow...
>>>>> "JZ" == Jianting Zhang <jzhang at lternet.edu> writes:
JZ> Hi, there:
JZ> My name is Jianting Zhang and now working for SEEK at UNM. I'm thinking to
JZ> develop spatial data types in Ptolemy to support spatial semantic discovery.
JZ> An intuitive proposal might be to use Geographical Markup Language (GML) and
JZ> thus I'm facing the same problem of mapping XML complex data types into
JZ> Ptolemy data types.
JZ> As Ilkay has pointed out, mapping any XMLSchema type to a Ptolemy type is
JZ> difficult. But I'm thinking whether we can map a set of PREDEFINED complex
JZ> data types to Ptolemy types and create instances by type names in Kepler.
JZ> Keep me informed about your progresses on this issue.
JZ> Thanks
JZ> Jianting
JZ> ----- Original Message -----
JZ> From: "Ilkay Altintas" <altintas at sdsc.edu>
JZ> To: "Bertram Ludaescher" <ludaesch at sdsc.edu>
JZ> Cc: <astewart at ku.edu>; <kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org>; "Jesus M.
JZ> Castagnetto" <jesus at sdsc.edu>
JZ> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 10:46 AM
JZ> Subject: Re: [kepler-dev] complex data types and web service harvester..
>> Bertram,
>> WSHarvester in the Alpha3 doesn't work due to some problem with the
>> annotation. Shawn and I have been working on it since then. It is almost
>> working again including the dynamic registy of services into the actor
>> library.
>> For the complex type, web service features in Kepler has not been designed
>> to handle complex Java types because of type mapping issues. It was a
>> design decision that was made when this actor was design. So it is a
>> feature not a bug. =) There might be a way to map complex XMLSchema types
>> but I couldn't yet come up with a method that maps any XMLSchema type to a
>> Ptolemy type. Any suggestions on this are welcome.
>> I know Jesus et al. had the same problem in the bio. workbench and they
>> decided to build static clients for their web services instead of a
>> dynamic proxy. We can also try similar approach if there are web services
>> that require special type handling.
>> If I remember right from the Seek meeting in may, the web services from
>> Kansas had java object types. So it might not be possible to use the web
>> service actor as a client for them.
>> Ilkay
>> On Nov 4, 2004, at 7:42 AM, Bertram Ludaescher wrote:
>>> Ilkay et al:
>>> I was just trying to harvest the WSDL on this page:
>>> http://seek.ecoinformatics.org/Wiki.jsp?page=TaxonMtg_Nov2004
>>> but didn't succeed.
>>> I think there might be several reasons why:
>>> (1) I don't know how to actually use the web service harvester ;-) Can
>>> we put some info under right-click."Get Documentation"?
>>> (2) I'm using the alpha3 so maybe the ws harvester doesn't work there?
>>> (3) There seems to be a fundamental problem (Matt just pointed out
>>> during our SEEK mtg), i.e., that the ws actors/harvester cannot handle
>>> comples WSDL/XML Schema types.
>>> I suspect that other ws clients (e.g. Java based ones) might have
>>> similar problems in generating a good mapping from complex XML Schema
>>> types to a Java object type (or in our case a Ptolemy complex type).
>>> Any ideas anyone? (Is there already a bugzilla entry for this?)
>>> Bertram
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