[kepler-dev] OS X with ptolemy 4
Chad Berkley
berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu May 27 16:28:41 PDT 2004
Hi Steve,
I may have jumped the gun in saying that this works. I didn't realize
that you're supposed to be able to cmd-drag from the relation. So the
part that is actually working is the cmd-click to create a relation,
but not the cmd-drag to drag a link from the relation to another
sorry about the confusion.
On May 27, 2004, at 3:19 PM, Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer wrote:
> > seems to work for me.
> > chad
> OK, I think we've got the mac problem squared away!
> FYI: It wasn't quite as simple as below, because that change broke
> context menus under windows.
> However, it gave me the crucial piece of information to figure out how
> to fix it better...
> Thanks to Chad and Dan for dealing with the repeated iterations on
> this...
> Steve
> At 10:18 AM 5/27/2004, Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer wrote:
>> Excellent!
>> The truth is that AWT *was* lame. In jdk1.4 they fixed alot of it,
>> but tried to do it in a backward
>> compatible way. Basically my recent fixes were to use the new
>> infrastructure, which properly
>> dealt with keys other than CTRL and SHIFT. I guess I missed that
>> place!
>> I'll check the change into the main repository...
>> Steve
>> At 10:14 AM 5/27/2004, Dan Higgins wrote:
>>> Steve,
>>> I have been digging into this and have a simple fix that seems to
>>> work!
>>> In diva.canvas.event,MouseFilter, note the current code fragment
>>> /** The modifier mask
>>> */
>>> private int _modifierMask =
>>> InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK
>>> | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK
>>> // AWT is lame
>>> //| InputEvent.ALT_MASK
>>> //| InputEvent.META_MASK;
>>> [I don't know why the '//AWT is lame' comment is there (other than
>>> that those masks are the same as some of the button masks).]
>>> if you add one more mask, i.e.
>>> /** The modifier mask
>>> */
>>> private int _modifierMask =
>>> InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK
>>> | InputEvent.CTRL_MASK
>>> | InputEvent.META_MASK; // added by Dan Higgins
>>> // AWT is lame
>>> //| InputEvent.ALT_MASK
>>> //| InputEvent.META_MASK;
>>> then dragging from a relation (and command creation of a relation)
>>> seem to work on the Mac!
>>> Dan Higgins (NCEAS)
>>> -----
>>> Stephen Andrew Neuendorffer wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately, getting command-click to work is necessary, since it
>>>> is the only way to connect a port to a relation...
>>>> This *should* work, but without access to a mac to get some event
>>>> traces, I'm out of ideas...
>>>> At 03:49 PM 5/25/2004, Chad Berkley wrote:
>>>>> Hey,
>>>>> I've been playing with the current ptolemy CVS head on my
>>>>> powerbook G4 running OS X 10.3.3 and I'm happy to report that I
>>>>> haven't found anything that doesn't work now. Even the delete key
>>>>> successfully deletes visual components (it doesn't in 3.0.2). The
>>>>> only thing that I noticed, is, as Christopher pointed out, that
>>>>> you can't ctrl click to create a new relation (although you can
>>>>> simply click the icon in the toolbar). I'd be happy to do further
>>>>> Mac OS testing on my powerbook if anyone needs me to.
>>>>> chad
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>>> *******************************************************************
>>> Dan Higgins higgins at nceas.ucsb.edu
>>> http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Ph: 805-892-2531
>>> National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) 735
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>>> Santa Barbara, CA 93195
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