[kepler-dev] Re: [SDM-SPA] RFC new directory structure
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Thu Mar 18 09:45:29 PST 2004
Christopher Hylands Brooks wrote:
> I like the CVS structure you propose below.
> * With regard to dlls etc., if there are dlls, then there are probably
> lib*.so files for Linux etc. In Ptolemy classic, each platform
> had a lib.$PTARCH and bin.$PTARCH directory for platform dependent
> variables. PTARCH was usually set to a platform, such as sol2.8, or
> linux, but could also be set to include a specific platform and or
> debugging level (sol2.8.cfront.debug). This allows the developer to
> use multiple compilers and debugging levels.
> I'm not sure if this would applies to your situation. Ptolemy II
> does not use this system (it probably should).
> I'm slightly opposed to a directory called dll, if only because there
> is probably a need for a place for shared libraries under Linux or
> Solaris as well. I would rather see the directory called w32.
> I don't feel strongly about this, it is just a slight preference.
Yeah, I think you're right about the dll directory name. We need to
discuss and agree on a general scheme for native code. The GARP actor
that Chad added depends on compiling a C++ model that is accessed via
JNI in an actor. Compiling that C++ code can be a pain, although is
worked out on Windows and Linux. The resulting dll and *.so files were
checked in to make it easier for someone without the proper C++
compilers on Windows to use that actor. Chad -- can you outline your
strategy for where to put c++ code and libs and how it fits into the
build process?
> * Another issue is that Ptolemy II has a vendors/ directory that
> contains software from other vendors that we are not shipping, but
> portions of Ptolemy II rely on it. Often the configure script will
> look in vendors/ for optional packages and if the code is not found,
> print a message about where to get the software and where to install
> it.
> Having a vendors/ directory might eventually be useful.
> * I prefer to see the tests adjacent to the code that is tested.
> - It makes it easier for the developer to run unit tests, in
> Ptolemy, the developer can run 'make test' in many directories
> and something useful will happen.
> - If only a portion of a project is shipped, it is easier to include
> the tests. This is especially true if a end user decides that they
> only want to use a few directories in a project of their own.
> If the tests are adjacent or under the code, they are more likely
> to copy the tests.
I can see the argument for this. We currently have tests as a separate
(but parallel in structure) tree. This allows us to easily build the
system without worrying about the tests.
> * How are nightly builds and tests handled right now? Forgive my
> ignorance on this, it might be apparent from the code, I just have
> not looked.
We don't have a nightly build. We should get one :) I know your
existing makefile permits this. Somtime I would like to discuss the
Makefile with you and try to figure out why it builds so much more
slowly than the ant build that I wrote. Then it would make more sense
to use it directly for the nightly build.
> -Christopher
Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Fax: 425-920-2439 Ph: 907-789-0496
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