[kepler-dev] RFC new directory structure
Xiaowen Xin
xin2 at llnl.gov
Wed Mar 17 15:20:28 PST 2004
David, Ilkay, Zhengang, Dan and I have discussed on the phone and over
email the last couple of days about the directory hierarchy
reorganization and have come to a rough consensus. This will be a long
email, so please bear with me =)
The problem basically is that there is currently no clear organization
of the files in the CVS repository. Workflows are scattered around the
lib/ directory for example, and it's not clear, looking at the
repository, which files relate to SPA and which to one of the other
Here's a pictorial view of how we would like to reorganize the
repository. I will be talking mostly about SPA, but the concepts should
carry over to the other Kepler projects as well.
- copyright.txt
- build.xml
- bin
- runVergil.bat
- runVergil.sh
- build (directory used for compiling the sources)
- docs
- lib
- jar (directory for all the jars)
- dll (directory for all the dlls)
- src
- org
- ecoinformatics
- geon
- sdm
- spa (directory for all the spa-related actors)
- util
- test
- workflows
- spa (directory for spa workflows)
- seek
- geon
So all the SPA related actors will be in the org.sdm.spa package.
Currently there are some SPA actors in edu.ncsu.sdm, but this doesn't
make much conceptual sense. There's no reason to divide up SPA source
files according to the organization that developed it, since all of SPA
will be working closely together to create _one_ set of interrelated
actors. Zhengang will work on moving the actors from edu.ncsu.sdm to
org.sdm.spa. It's better to divide up the source files by project
rather than by organization because the boundary between organizations
is artificial and only serves to confuse things.
Currently, there's a util/ directory in src/. This isn't really
consistent with our naming convention so far (i.e. putting source files
in packages that reflect which project made them). The argument for
having a util/ directory has been that we'd like to put useful classes
in there that can be shared between the projects. However, this
argument doesn't make much sense because theoretically, all of our
actors could be shared between the projects. So we'd like to move the
files in util/ to org/sdm/spa/util. If another project requires the
functionality of those two classes, then it would have to include the
org.sdm.spa.util package instead of simply the util package.
After making these changes, all the SPA source files will be in
org/sdm/spa, thus making it much easier to distinguish SPA and its
contribution to Kepler.
Currently, all the workflows are in lib/ and there are some that are not
in CVS at all. We would like create a top-level workflows/ directory to
store all of the workflows. spa, seek, and geon would be subdirectories
under there. Thus all SPA workflows will be put in workflows/spa/.
Similarly, GEON and SEEK should probably do the same with their
With this directory structure, it would be easy to tell which workflows
are designed for which project, but we must also remember to check all
of our workflows into CVS, and update them when/if they break. Having
PIW-full.xml, PIW-full_new_matt.xml, PIW-int-ex0.xml, and
PIW-full_new.xml, as we do right now is just plain confusing!
Currently the lib/ directory is a mess. It appears to be the garbage
bin, where everything is dumped if the author can't find a better
container for it. So we propose a series of steps to clean this up.
1. There are two dll's in lib/. There should probably be a subdirectory
called dll/ under lib/ that contains these dll's. The person who put
these there should probably move them ...
2. demos.htm and ptolemy-index.html should probably be moved out of lib/
and into a more appropriate folder, probably into src/.
3. Ilkay will dispose of lib/forBerkeley/ and lib/forSB/ folders or move
them into the top-level test/ folder since they contain testing material
and so don't belong in lib/. Whoever's responsible for
lib/ecoPipelines/ should probably do the same because that's testing
material also as I understand it.
4. Is everyone ok with our deleting makefile and makefile.lib from
lib/? These are also not library files, and we're not using makefiles
any more.
5. We should move runVergil.bat and runVergil.sh into a top-level bin/
6. Does anyone know what lib/sample.dat and lib/scew-0.3.1.tar.gz are?
Can we delete them?
7. We will delete the lib/soap directory because it's empty, and there's
already a lib/jar/soap that contains jar files.
8. We need to do something about lib/testdata/ because it's not a
library file. I personally think it should be moved into the global
test/ directory.
9. We will move lib/workflow/ into the top-level workflows/ directory.
The existence of src/exp/ seems a bit questionable. It seems to stand
for "experimental". Maybe it's time to either make it stable and
incorporate it into an existing project, or delete it ...
Please comment! If nobody objects to the proposed restructuring here, I
can do nothing but assume everybody loves it =) We'd like to get this
finalized as soon as possible, which would make it easier to create a
distribution. Matt will be back next week from travel I believe, and it
would be wonderful to have some kind of rudimentary installer for him.
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