[kepler-dev] Latest SPA Release
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Mon Mar 1 19:22:45 PST 2004
Zhengang, Ilkay:
Great job!
Looking forward to the "full package", so I can play and test a few of
the workflows myself.
>>>>> "ZC" == Zhengang Cheng <zcheng at eos.ncsu.edu> writes:
ZC> Dear All,
ZC> With Ilkay's help, we just have a new release ready based on the cvs in
ZC> ecoinformatics.
ZC> The url to the release is http://sdm2.csc.ncsu.edu/SWE/SDMSWE_Beta3.exe for
ZC> Windows platform. This release expects that the machine has Java and
ZC> Ptolemy 3.02 installed. The above installer only contain component specific
ZC> for SPA project (mainly matt's workflow).
ZC> When testing, please keep in mind that we are working to solve the Transfac
ZC> problem. Any suggestion is welcome.
ZC> This week, we and Ilkay are expecting an overall release by the end of this
ZC> week for Kepler projects (including Seek, Spa, etc.)
ZC> Thanks,
ZC> Zhengang
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