[kepler-dev] Hiding port names
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Mon Jul 26 09:09:33 PDT 2004
Hi Edward,
Edward A Lee wrote:
> We really need to set things up so that kepler folks are routinely
> building against a cvs snapshot of Ptolemy II, so that changes
> like this can be taken advantage of without waiting for a release...
> I tried putting kepler and our Ptolemy II cvs tree side by side
> and setting KEPLER and PTII appropriately, and using ant to build,
> but "ant run" doesn't work for me... I get:
Yeah, we fully intend to support the CVS HEAD for PTII in our kepler
builds, as it seems like the only way to really keep synchronized. Over
the last week several of us have been building against the CVS head,
with mixed results. Sometimes it works, sometimes not...haven't yet
figured out the differences among these builds yet that cause the
failures. We'll get the issues worked out fully and then post
instructions on the web site. It should be as simple as checking out
the two trees, set 2 env vars, then run 'ant ptolemy run'. I think the
problems we are hitting are due to us not encoding in our ant build some
of the dependencies that you cover in your makefiles.
In addition, we need a way to try to incorporate Kepler changes into the
PTII tree. We are working on a variety of changes relating to data
access and semantic typing, and several of these require UI changes in
vergil. We have been developing them using the ptolemy extension
mechanism through the configuration, so they could be used or not
depending on how the configuration is set up. But there are many areas
of vergil which are not configurable, and so we are extending those
areas to be configurable where needed. Ultimately, we need to
contribute this code to PTII through the code review process -- I think
the easiest way to do this is to have a couple of Kepler developers who
have write access to the PTII CVS tree and can contribute code after
consultation with PTII developers (like Christopher and yourself).
In many ways I would prefer to not have to maintain two separate CVS
trees at all, but I currently don't see a good way to do this because we
want the Kepler project to be fully open to a variety of contributors,
while the PTII tree is really reserved for the Berkeley Ptolemy project.
But it would be nice to use just a single integrated tree. I would be
interested in chatting with you about whether you could see the two
projects really sharing a cvs tree or not, given the project management
implications this would have.
Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ Fax: 425-920-2439 Ph: 907-789-0496
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
University of California Santa Barbara
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