[kepler-dev] new actor library format for ptII4?

Edward A Lee eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Jul 13 18:10:45 PDT 2004

The basic actor library was renamed...
With "actor library" the actors are now in an entity called "Actors".

BTW: A useful trick is to open the configuration in vergil and select
View->Tree View.  The default configuration is

You can view the whole structure of the configuration here...

Eventually, I would like to evolve this into a way to edit and create
configurations, but we aren't there yet...


At 03:20 PM 7/13/2004 -0700, Chad Berkley wrote:
>When adding a new actor to the actor library under PTII3, I used the 
>following code:
>public NewActorWizardTableau(PtolemyEffigy container, String name)
>     throws IllegalActionException, NameDuplicationException
>   {
>     super(container, name);
>     //create the wizard frame
>     Effigy e = container.topEffigy();
>     Container parent = e.showTableaux().getFrame();
>     Configuration c = (Configuration)e.toplevel();
>     actorLibrary = (CompositeEntity)c.getEntity("actor library");
>     CompositeEntity actorLibNest =
>       (CompositeEntity)actorLibrary.getEntity("actor library");
>     CompositeEntity dynActor =
>         (CompositeEntity)actorLibNest.getEntity("dynamicActor");
>      ....
>    }
>I was basically starting eith the topEffigy of the container and working 
>my way down the model to the actor library, then adding the actors to the 
>appropriate object under actor library.  When we upgraded to PTII4, this 
>stopped working.  Now, when I try to get the "actor library" submodel, all 
>I see are Utilities and UserLibrary.  I used to be able to get to any of 
>the Actors subtree as well.  Does anyone know if something changed in 
>PTII4 that does not allow you to navigate this model anymore?  Is there 
>now a better way to navigate through the model?
>kepler-dev mailing list
>kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org

Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739
eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal

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