[kepler-dev] Re: [seek-dev] RE: garp tools

Matt Jones jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Sat Jan 31 21:44:51 PST 2004

Thanks for the pointer, David. Nice to know ESRI might allow 
programmatic access in this release.

My opinion on this is that we should try to find an open source library 
that performs the required operations so that we can ship it without 
licensing constraints.  After talking with Dave Vieglais, it appears 
that GDAL (http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/) will handle the raster 
stuff and includes OGR (http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ogr/), a 
vector library that might handle the vector operations we need.  These 
libraries support the raster and vector functionality exposed in GRASS 
(http://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/grass/related_projects.html).  Chad is 
going to look into the use of these libraries in Kepler.


David Neufeld wrote:

> Hi all,
> In ArcGIS version 9 (currently in pre-release) there is a server component that
> allows raster processing.  It has both a .NET and Java API, not sure how it
> will be licensed or if it will be included for those with site licenses.
> Anyway it may be another option worth considering...
> cheers,
> Dave Neufeld
> CU Museum
> Quoting Bertram Ludaescher <ludaesch at sdsc.edu>:
>>Hi all:
>>Yes, integrating systems such as ArcView would be a great value-added
>>benefit of using Kepler. Indeed using Kepler "just" for application
>>integration alone is already useful.  I don't know how the specific
>>integration of ArcView could be done; I suspect there are both
>>technical and licensing issues that make this an interesting exercise
>>fyi: that today we have at least the following ways to integrate
>>"stuff" with Kepler:
>>-- native: write a Ptolemy actor in Java; I think there is already good
>>tutorial material for available from the Ptolemy group
>>-- via web services: just export your application as a web service and
>>provide a WSDL file -- that's it. Kepler can instantiate its generic
>>web service actor to your specific web service operation. Problem: web
>>services don't support user interaction, GUIs etc
>>-- using the browserUI actor: this is an actor which can be used both
>>as a display actor and as a user-input actor. Anything you can do from
>>your browser (HTML incl. tables, forms etc., Javascript, SVG plug-in,
>>...) can be easily invoked within a Kepler pipeline.
>>So the browserUI actor is a great tool for integrating existing apps
>>into Kepler: it can act as a data display, data entry, and
>>(within-the-browser) tool.
>>-- using the database query actor: this allows one to interface with
>>JDBC accessible databases. Other APIs could be added.
>>-- there is some support for interfacing with foreign languages
>>already, and more is planned.
>>-- general grid service actors and EcoGrid data access actors will
>>provide useful as well. I think Bing will work on an EcoGrid and/or
>>SRB actor in the near future.
>>We should use the next SEEK meeting in May and possibly earlier
>>meetings to flesh out more of the overall Kepler extension strategy.
>>>>>>>"PRS" == Pereira, Ricardo Scachetti <rpereira at ku.edu> writes:
>>PRS> 	Hi, Chad.
>>PRS> 	Here it is the AVENUE script that executes step (1a). It's is in
>>PRS> attachement.
>>PRS> 	Unfortunatelly, I don't know exactly how you can integrate
>>PRS> ArcView into Kepler. Some people at earlier SEEK-BEAM working group
>>PRS> meetings mentioned that ArcView would be a candidate for integration in
>>PRS> the pipelines, but I don't know exactly how. There is also the problem
>>PRS> with ArcView lincensing.
>>PRS> 	The best solution would be to implement the same processing step
>>PRS> on GRASS and have that one integrated.
>>PRS> 	The best candidate for doing the job in GRASS are both r.region
>>PRS> and r.resample commands. Command r.region sets the extent and resolution
>>PRS> of the output layers and r.resample resamples the input layers. Then it
>>PRS> would be a matter of formating the grids to ASCII raster format.
>>PRS> 	I'll do some more research on the GRASS script itself.
>>PRS> 	Still need to come up with the code for step (1b).
>>PRS> 	I'll be in touch.
>>PRS> 	Regards,
>>PRS> Ricardo
>>PRS> -----Original Message-----
>>PRS> From: Chad Berkley [mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu]
>>PRS> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 6:43 PM
>>PRS> To: Pereira, Ricardo Scachetti
>>PRS> Cc: seek-dev at ecoinformatics.org
>>PRS> Subject: Re: garp tools
>>PRS> Hi Ricardo,
>>PRS> could you send me the AVENUE script that you use for 1a?  It's possible
>>PRS> I can execute arcView from within kepler.  if not, i may rewrite it in
>>PRS> GRASS or something else.
>>PRS> for 1b, creating the actor is trivial.  would you mind sending me a c++
>>PRS> implementation of the vb code?  if you don't have time (I know you're
>>PRS> out of town), I can probably figure it out, but it would be more
>>PRS> efficient for you to do it.
>>PRS> thanks,
>>PRS> chad
>>PRS> Pereira, Ricardo Scachetti wrote:
>>>>Here it is the expansion of "Layer Integration" step that is
>>>>to GARP nowadays.
>>>>I'm assuming you are looking at the file
>>>>/seek/projects/beam/niche-modeling/garp/GarpPipelineNative.jpg on CVS.
>>>>Correct me if I'm wrong.
>>>>In your current implementation of GARP pipeline in Kepler, you
>>PRS> have
>>>>already implemented the analytical steps (2), (3) and (4). Now you
>>>>will implement A.S. #(1): "Env Layer cliping and resampling".
>>>>Here is the procedure, broke down to smaller analytical steps.
>>>>Let me know if you need something else.
>>>>1a) Layer clipping and resampling
>>>>In this processing step, a set of environmental layers
>>PRS> is clipped
>>>>and resampled so they all have the same extent and cell size.
>>>>It is assumed that all layers are stored in the same
>>PRS> coordinate
>>>>Currently, this step is executed inside ArcView 3.x
>>PRS> using an AVENUE
>>>>Can be implemented in other GIS, but that will require
>>PRS> development
>>>>of other custom scripts that comply to GIS available API.
>>>>- LAYERS: set of environmental layers (files) that will
>>PRS> be used in
>>>>the modeling (in a format that your GIS API can read);
>>>>- EXT: extent of the area of interest. Defined as 2 pair
>>PRS> of
>>>>coordinates, i.e., a (x, y) pair for upper-left corner and another for
>>>>the bottom-right corner of the area of interest;
>>>>- CS: cell size to be used in the analysis
>>>>- set of layers in ESRI ASCII Raster Grid format, all
>>PRS> with the same
>>>>extent (EXT) and cell size (CS). Note: EXT and CS need to be exactly
>>>>the same for all layers, to the last decimal digit!!
>>>>Note: This step can probably be broken down to smaller pieces,
>>PRS> but
>>>>that will depend on the GIS API you are using.
>>>>1b) Scaling of environmental layer values and packaging of GARP
>>>>In this step, each ASCII raster grid obtained in step 1a
>>PRS> is
>>>>converted to native GARP dataset format. Each layer has its cell
>>>>values scaled to fit a byte. This is a requirement for the original
>>>>GARP algorithm as designed by David Stockwell.
>>>>Each layer has its maximum (max) and minimum (min) cell
>>PRS> value
>>>>extracted. The following expression is then applied to each of the
>>>>layer cells:
>>>>scale_coeficient = (max - min) / 253;
>>>>new_scaled_value = (int)( ( (original_value -
>>>>min) / scale_coeficient) + 1);
>>>>The reverse operation is (just FYI):
>>>>new_original_value = ( ( (double)
>>>>new_scaled_value - 1) * scale_coeficient ) + min
>>>>After scaling occurs, the cell values assume values
>>PRS> between 1 and
>>>>254 (0 and 255 are reserved values)
>>>>This step is currently implemented in a separate Visual
>>PRS> Basic
>>>>application. Below there is the source code (in VB!!) that does the
>>>>processing. I can translate it to C++ when you have the actor and the
>>>>right method signitures (JNI) in place.
>>>>- set of ASCII Raster grids from step 1a
>>>>- a directory containing: i) the environmental layer
>>PRS> scaled values
>>>>(scaled to fit a byte), one .raw file per layer;
>>>>- a GARP dataset file (.dxl) containing the description
>>PRS> (original
>>>>values, extent, etc) of each layer in the dataset.
>>>>Visual Basic Code (extract from VB Application source code)
>>>>Dim m_oDS As GARPLib.CoEnvLayerSet  ' VB version of EnvLayerSet cpp
>>>>Dim m_oLyr As GARPLib.CoEnvLayer    ' VB version of EnvLayer cpp
>>PRS> object
>>>>Dim strFile as String               ' ASCII Raster file name (without
>>>>extention .asc)
>>>>Set m_oLyr = CreateObject("Garp.EnvLayer")
>>>>m_oLyr.strId = strFile
>>>>m_oLyr.strTitle = strFile
>>>>m_oLyr.strFilename = ""
>>>>m_oLyr.strMatrixFilename = strFile & ".raw"
>>>>Call m_oLyr.useRawByteMatrixInDisk
>>>>Call m_oLyr.fromAsciiGrid(strFile * ".asc")
>>>>If (LCase(strFile) <> "mask") Then
>>>>Call m_oDS.Add(m_oLyr)
>>>>Call m_oDS.addAsMask(m_oLyr)
>>>>End If
>>>>' check for error: It will raise an error if extents or cell size
>>>>' of this layer is different from the other layers
>>>>If m_oDS.intLastErrorCode <> 0 Then
>>>>Call Err.Raise(1, "Ascii Raster Grid Batch Load", _
>>>>"Could not add layer to the dataset """ & oFile.Name &
>>PRS> _
>>>>""" (Garp message: " & m_oDS.strLastErrorMessage &
>>PRS> ")")
>>>>End If
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Chad Berkley [mailto:berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu]
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 12:47 PM
>>>>To: Ricardo Scachetti Pereira
>>>>Cc: seek-dev at ecoinformatics.org
>>>>Subject: garp tools
>>>>Hi Ricardo (and others),
>>>>Now that I think that GARP is working from kepler, matt and I thought
>>>>it would be a good idea to implement the tools necessary to go from
>>>>raw data to the input formats that are in the example data files.  We
>>>>would like to be able to implement a pipeline that goes from a digir
>>>>(ecogrid) query to a garp prediction to rendered output.
>>>>What I need from you (and maybe deana as well) is to know exactly what
>>>>this entails and if any of it is implemented in a way that I could
>>>>harness in kepler or if I need to implement it.  I believe this
>>>>process is what is grouped together under "Layer Integration" in the
>>>>original ppt garp pipeline that came out of BEAM. Could you possibly
>>>>expand "Layer Integration" so I know exactly what the steps are within
>>>>that process?  Are any of these processes implemented in GeoTools or
>>>>Chad Berkley
>>>>National Center for
>>>>Ecological Analysis
>>>>and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>>>>berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
>>PRS> --
>>PRS> -----------------------
>>PRS> Chad Berkley
>>PRS> National Center for
>>PRS> Ecological Analysis
>>PRS> and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>>PRS> berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
>>PRS> -----------------------
> ===========================================
>>PRS> ' Name    : clipresgrids.ave
>>PRS> ' Version : 2.1
>>PRS> ' Author  : Blaine Ray
>>PRS> ' Email   : blaine at ukans.edu
>>PRS> ' Date    : June 28, 2001
>>PRS> ' Desc.   : Clips one or more grids in the view by a selected rectangle
>>graphic and stores the clipped grids
>>PRS> '           in a new directory.
>>PRS> ' Input   : One or more overlaying grids and one of the following: (1) a
>>selected overlaying rectangle graphic,
>>PRS> '           (
>>PRS> 2) a polygon shapefile, or (3) a set of user-specified coordinates.
>>PRS> ' Output  : Grids of the same file name that are clipped, resampled, and
>>stored in a new directory as defined by the user.
> ===========================================
>>PRS> ' Title for pop-up message boxes
>>PRS> theHeader = \"Clip and Resample Grid Themes\"
>>PRS> ' Make sure the Spatial Analyst extension is loaded
>>PRS> exttest=Extension.Find(\"Spatial Analyst\")
>>PRS> if (exttest=NIL) then
>>PRS>   m
>>PRS> sgbox.error(\"You must have the Spatial Analyst extension
>>PRS>   Exit
>>PRS> end
>>PRS> ' Get the path to save new grids to
>>PRS> newpath = MsgBox.Input(\"Input the path to which the newly clipped grids
>>will be placed\",theHeader,\"c:\\temp\\\")
>>PRS> if (newpath = NIL) then
>>PRS>   msgbox.error(\"You must enter a valid path.\",theHeader)
>>PRS>   Exit
>>PRS> end
>>PRS> ' Get the current view
>>PRS> theView = av.GetActiveDoc
>>PRS> ' Get themes in the current view
>>PRS> theThemes = theView.getthemes
>>PRS> ' Make empty grid and feature theme lists
>>PRS> gridThemes = List.Make
>>PRS> shpThe
>>PRS> mes = List.Make
>>PRS> ' Populate grid and feature theme lists
>>PRS> For each i in theThemes
>>PRS>   if (i.is(GTHEME)) then
>>PRS>     gridThemes.add(i)
>>PRS>   elseif (i.is(FTHEME)) Then
>>PRS>     shpThemes.add(i)
>>PRS>   end
>>PRS> End
>>PRS> ' Make sure that at least one grid is present in the view
>>PRS> if (gridThemes.Count = 0) then
>>PRS>   msgbox.error(\"At least one grid theme must be present in the
>>PRS>   exit
>>PRS> end
>>PRS> ' Select an input type to use as a clip layer
>>PRS> inputtype = MsgBox.ChoiceAsString({\"Selected Rectangle
>>Graphic\",\"User-Specified Coordinates\",\"P
>>PRS> olygon Theme\"},\"Select a clip item.\",theheader)
>>PRS> if (inputtype = NIL) then
>>PRS>   msgbox.error(\"You must select a clipping method.\",theHeader)
>>PRS>   Exit
>>PRS> end
>>PRS> ' Initialize boolean variable maskflag as being false (no analysis mask
>>is being used)
>>PRS> maskflag = FALSE
>>PRS> ' Determine the input type to initialize the clipping boundary
>>PRS> If (inputtype = \"Selected Rectangle Graphic\") THEN
>>PRS>   ' Get the selected rectangle
>>PRS>   theGraphics=theview.getgraphics
>>PRS>   theSelg=theGraphics.getselected
>>PRS>   ' Make sure a graphic is selected
>>PRS>   i
>>PRS> f (theSelG.count=0) then
>>PRS>     msgbox.error(\"Must select a single graphic in the
>>PRS>     EXIT
>>PRS>   end
>>PRS>   ' Make sure only one graphic is selected
>>PRS>   if (theSelG.count>1) then
>>PRS>     msgbox.error(\"More than one graphic is selected, select only
>>PRS>     EXIT
>>PRS>   end
>>PRS>   ' Make sure the selected graphic is a rectangle
>>PRS>   agraphic=thegraphics.getselected.get(0)
>>PRS>   if (agraphic.getshape.is(rect).not) then
>>PRS>     msgbox.error(\"Shape must be a rectangle\",theHeader)
>>PRS>     EXIT
>>PRS>   end
>>PRS>   ' Set theRect as
>>PRS>  the rectangle shape
>>PRS>   theRect = agraphic.getshape
>>PRS> ElseIf (inputtype = \"User-Specified Coordinates\") THEN
>>PRS>   ' Ask user to enter bounding rectangle inputs
>>PRS>   llx = msgbox.input(\"Input the llx (origin)
>>PRS>   lly = msgbox.input(\"Input the lly (origin)
>>PRS>   urx = msgbox.input(\"Input the urx
>>PRS>   ury = msgbox.input(\"Input the ury
>>PRS>   ' Set theRect as the four user inputs
>>PRS>   t
>>PRS> heRect = rect.makeXY(llx,lly,urx,ury)
>>PRS> ElseIf (inputtype = \"Polygon Theme\") THEN
>>PRS>   ' Make sure at least one feature theme is present in the view
>>PRS>   If (shpthemes.count = 0) Then
>>PRS>     msgbox.error(\"No shapefiles present in the view.\",theHeader)
>>PRS>     Exit
>>PRS>   End
>>PRS>   ' Ask user to select a shapefile to use as a clip layer
>>PRS>   cliptheme = MsgBox.list(shpthemes,\"Select a shapefile containing a
>>single shape for clipping.\" ,theHeader)
>>PRS>   if (cliptheme = NIL) then
>>PRS>     msgbox.error(\"You must select a clip shapefile.\",the
>>PRS> Header)
>>PRS>     Exit
>>PRS>   end
>>PRS>   ' Get the feature table of the selected shape file
>>PRS>   clipftab = cliptheme.getftab
>>PRS>   ' Use the first shape in the shapefile as a clip shape
>>PRS>   clipshp = clipftab.returnvalue((clipftab.findfield(\"shape\")),0)
>>PRS>   ' Get the minimum bounding box for the clip shape
>>PRS>   clipextent = clipshp.returnextent
>>PRS>   ' Set theRect as the minimum bounding box for the clip shape
>>PRS>   theRect = clipextent
>>PRS>   ' Ask user if values outside of the shape but within the clip
>>boundaries should be masked to a va
>>PRS> lue of NODATA
>>PRS>   maskflag = MsgBox.YesNo(\"Mask values outside of theme as NO DATA?\",
>>theheader, TRUE)
>>PRS> End
>>PRS> ' Get the x,y coordinate for the lower left corner of clipping shape
>>PRS> rectorigin = theRect.returnorigin
>>PRS> ' Get the x,y coordinate for the upper right corner of clipping shape
>>PRS> rectsize = theRect.returnsize
>>PRS> rectUR = Point.make(rectorigin.getx+rectsize.getx,
>>PRS> ' Ask user to select one or more grids to be clipped
>>PRS> Gridthemelist = MsgBox.multilist(gridthemes,\"Select one or m
>>PRS> ore grids to be clipped by the selected rectangle.\" ,theHeader)
>>PRS> if (Gridthemelist = NIL) then
>>PRS>   msgbox.error(\"You must select at least one grid theme.\",theHeader)
>>PRS>   Exit
>>PRS> end
>>PRS> ' Initialize the variable maxcellsz to 0 prior to the looping process
>>PRS> maxcellsz = 0
>>PRS> ' Initialize the string variable gmsg to be empty prior to the looping
>>PRS> gmsg = \"\"
>>PRS> ' Get the number of grids to be clipped
>>PRS> numgrids = gridthemelist.count
>>PRS> ' Generate a summary message for the grids to be clipped (describe
>>number of rows, column
>>PRS> s, and cell sizes for each grid)
>>PRS> For each gthm in Gridthemelist
>>PRS>   ' Current grid name
>>PRS>   gname = gthm.getname
>>PRS>   ' Current grid
>>PRS>   ggrid = gthm.getgrid
>>PRS>   ' Current number of rows
>>PRS>   grows = ggrid.getnumrowsandcols.get(0).asstring
>>PRS>   ' Current number of columns
>>PRS>   gcols = ggrid.getnumrowsandcols.get(1).asstring
>>PRS>   ' Get current cell size
>>PRS>   gcellsz = ggrid.getcellsize
>>PRS>   ' Obtain the maximum grid cell size
>>PRS>   if (gcellsz > maxcellsz) then
>>PRS>     maxcellsz = gcellsz
>>PRS>   END
>>PRS>   ' Get new summary message text
>>PRS>   gtem
>>PRS> pmsg = (gname+\" > Dimensions: \"+grows+\" x \"+gcols+\"; Cell Size:
>>PRS>   ' Add the text to the summary message
>>PRS>   gmsg = gmsg + gtempmsg
>>PRS> ' Output the summary message
>>PRS> msgbox.Report(gmsg,theheader)
>>PRS> ' Ask user to declare if the grids should be resampled
>>PRS> resampleflag = MsgBox.YesNo(\"Resample grids to a different cell
>>size?\"+NL+\"Note: All grids will be resampled to the same cell size.\",
>>theheader, TRUE)
>>PRS> ' If grids are to be resampled, get the new sample size and the
>>resampling method
>>PRS> if (resampleflag) Then
>>PRS>   ' Initialize resampledone flag to be equal to FALSE
>>PRS>   resampledone = FALSE
>>PRS>   ' Until user finalizes output grid cell size, loop through the
>>following processes
>>PRS>   While (resampledone <> TRUE)
>>PRS>     ' Get the new cell size for the output grids
>>PRS>     newcellsz = MsgBox.Input(\"Input the new desired cell size (default
>>is the maximum input grid cell
>>PRS>     if (newcellsz = NIL) then
>>PRS>       msgbox.error(\"You must input a valid cell size.\",theH
>>PRS> eader)
>>PRS>       Exit
>>PRS>     end
>>PRS>     ' If grids are resampled, obtain new bounding coordinates (add a
>>row/column to each side)
>>PRS>     If (resampleflag) Then
>>PRS>       'Get new coordinates (add a row/column to each side)
>>PRS>       neworgx = rectorigin.getx - newcellsz
>>PRS>       neworgy = rectorigin.gety - newcellsz
>>PRS>       newURx = rectUR.getx + newcellsz
>>PRS>       newURy = rectUR.gety + newcellsz
>>PRS>       ' Set the new bounding rectangle coordinates
>>PRS>       outrect = rect.makeXY(neworgx,neworgy,newURx,newURy)
>>PRS>     End
>>PRS>   ' Get output grid properties (number of rows, number of columns, and
>>cell size)
>>PRS>     newnumrows = ((outrect.getwidth) / newcellsz).round
>>PRS>     newnumcols = ((outrect.getheight) / newcellsz).round
>>PRS>     newnumcells = newnumrows * newnumcols
>>PRS>     ' Convert afforementioned values to strings
>>PRS>     newstrrows = newnumrows.asstring
>>PRS>     newstrcols = newnumcols.asstring
>>PRS>     newstrcells = newnumcells.asstring
>>PRS>     ' Allow user to determine if the current grid cell size is
>>PRS>     resampledone = MsgBox.Ye
>>PRS> sNo(\"Output resampled grid dimensions: \"+newstrrows+\" x
>>\"+newstrcols+NL+\"Total number of cells: \"+newstrcells+NL+\"Is this
>>PRS>   End
>>PRS> End
>>PRS>     ' Make a resampling method string list
>>PRS>     resampletypelist = {\"Nearest Neighbor\",\"Bilinear
>>Interpolation\",\"Cubic Convolution\"}
>>PRS>     ' Get the resampling method for the output grids
>>PRS>     resampletype = MsgBox.listasstring(resampletypelist,\"Select a
>>resampling method.\",theheader)
>>PRS>     if (resampletype = NIL) then
>>PRS>       msgbox.error(\"You must select
>>PRS> a resampling method.\",theHeader)
>>PRS>       Exit
>>PRS>     end
>>PRS>     ' Get a resampling enumeration type
>>PRS>     if (resampletype = \"Nearest Neighbor\") Then
>>PRS>       resampleenum = #GRID_RESTYPE_NEAREST
>>PRS>     elseif (resampletype = \"Bilinear Interpolation\") Then
>>PRS>       resampleenum = #GRID_RESTYPE_BILINEAR
>>PRS>     elseif (resampletype = \"Cubic Convolution\") Then
>>PRS>       resampleenum = #GRID_RESTYPE_CUBIC
>>PRS>     End
>>PRS> ' Ask user to select an output file format
>>PRS> OutputType = MsgBox.ChoiceAsString({\"ARC/INFO Grid\", \"ASCII
>>PRS>  the file format for the output grids.\",theheader)
>>PRS> if (OutputType = NIL) then
>>PRS>   msgbox.error(\"You must select an output file format.\",theHeader)
>>PRS>   Exit
>>PRS> end
> ===============================
>>PRS> ' Begin main looping process
>>PRS> For each i in Gridthemelist
>>PRS>   ' Get the curent grid
>>PRS>   theGrid = i.getgrid
>>PRS>   ' Get the current cell size
>>PRS>   cellsz=theGrid.getcellsize
>>PRS>   ' If resampleflag is TRUE then resample the grid
>>PRS>   If (resampleflag) Then
>>PRS>     ' Reset the analysis environment
>>PRS>     Grid.Reset
>>PRS>     ' Resample the grid
>>PRS>     resgrid = thegrid.resample(newcellsz, resampleenum)
>>PRS>     ' Set analysis environment cell size to equal the newly declared
>>cell size
>>PRS>     Grid.SetAnalysisCellSize(#GRID_ENVTYPE_VALUE, newcellsz)
>>PRS>   Else
>>PRS>     ' If resampleflag is FALSE then obtain new bounding coordinates (add
>>a row/column to each side)
>>PRS>     neworgx = rectorigin.getx - cellsz
>>PRS>     neworgy = rectorigin.gety - cellsz
>>PRS>     newURx = rectUR.getx + cellsz
>>PRS>     newURy = re
>>PRS> ctUR.gety + cellsz
>>PRS>     ' Set the new bounding rectangle coordinates
>>PRS>     outrect = rect.makeXY(neworgx,neworgy,newURx,newURy)
>>PRS>     resgrid = thegrid
>>PRS>     ' Set the analysis cell size to be equal to the current grid's cell
>>PRS>     Grid.SetAnalysisCellSize(#GRID_ENVTYPE_VALUE, cellsz)
>>PRS>   End
>>PRS>   ' Set a temporary Analysis Environment
>>PRS>   Grid.SetAnalysisExtent(#GRID_ENVTYPE_VALUE, outrect)
>>PRS>   ' Since shapes are already projected, set the projection as the NULL
>>PRS>   theprojection=Prj.MakeNull
>>PRS>   ' If mas
>>PRS> kflag is TRUE then make a mask grid from the selected shapefile
>>PRS>   If (maskflag) Then
>>PRS>     clipgrid = Grid.MakeFromFTab (clipftab, theprojection, Nil, Nil)
>>PRS>     ' Set the analysis mask to be equal to clipgrid
>>PRS>     Grid.SetAnalysisMask(clipgrid)
>>PRS>   End
>>PRS>   ' Extract grid with new bounding coordinates from the resgrid
>>PRS>   maskgrid = resgrid.ExtractbyRect(outrect, theProjection, FALSE)
>>PRS>   ' Get the source name of the current grid
>>PRS>   gridname = thegrid.getsrcname
>>PRS>   ' Determine which file format to save the ou
>>PRS> tput grid as
>>PRS>   If (OutputType = \"ARC/INFO Grid\") Then
>>PRS>     ' Assign the same name to the grid but save it in the previously
>>specified path
>>PRS>     maskgrid.SaveDataSet((newpath+gridname.getname.asstring).asfilename)
>>PRS>     ' Create a new grid theme
>>PRS>     gthm = GTheme.Make(maskgrid)
>>PRS>     ' Add new theme to the view
>>PRS>     theView.AddTheme(gthm)
>>PRS>     ' Turn new grid theme on
>>PRS>     gthm.setvisible(true)
>>PRS>   ElseIf (OutputType = \"ASCII Grid\") Then
>>PRS>     ' Save the grid as an ascii grid in the previously specif
>>PRS> ied path
>>PRS>   End
>>PRS> End
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> kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org
> http://www.ecoinformatics.org/mailman/listinfo/kepler-dev

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