[kepler-dev] autowrapping scientific code

Edward A Lee eal at eecs.berkeley.edu
Tue Jan 13 15:49:16 PST 2004

It may also be useful to look at the JNI wrapper mechanism that
Thales created for Ptolemy II.  Christopher: Can you give a quick
summary of this?


At 12:38 PM 1/13/2004 -0900, Matt Jones wrote:
>I've been thinking about and looking into the problem of wrapping existing 
>simulation models in Kepler, given your experience wrapping GARP for use 
>there.  It seems that there are two components we need to deal with: 1) 
>compiling the code (C/C++ usually) on the right platform and getting it to 
>run, and 2) refactoring/splitting the code so that it makes sense from a 
>component reuse perspective.
>For (1), it seems like we should be able to extend your Java actor 
>skeleton tool to link to existing code, compile that code dynamically, and 
>make available the actor in the workflow GUI.  There's an interesting 
>paper on this from the Triana team 
>(http://trianacode.org/triana/papers/pdf/MedliHIPS2003.pdf) that I think 
>you should read if you haven't.  All of the triana papers listed on their 
>site are relvant to us.  If we can accomplish this, then we would be much 
>more able to create workflows where the computation can move to the data 
>(by sending code that gets compiled on the grid node where the computation 
>should run).  Seems like the autoconf approach to portability would help 
>us a lot, so code that is autoconf enabled (if any ecologists use it!) 
>should compile much more smoothly than GARP did.  Of course, there's still 
>a bunch of data passing/port communication issues in this 
>model.  Regardless, we need for people to be able to use their existing 
>models in Kepler without a month of compiling and integration 
>work.  That'll be a challenge given what you've experienced with GARP, but 
>it is necessary.
>For (2) the problem is much harder.  For a monolithic model like GARP, we 
>need to figure out how to factor out the data preprocessing from the 
>actual algorithm, so that people can use the same preprocessing steps and 
>substitute the interesting computational bits in the workflow.  As 
>ecologists tend to not write using modular and OO techniques in their 
>models, this is likely to be very challenging.  I don't have any good 
>solutions in mind right off, but we should probably start reading up on 
>the literature.  Maybe the Ptolemy group at Berkley has some insight into 
>this from their code generation work.
>Thought I'd bring this up for you to think about some.  Could you write up 
>a brief summary of the difficulties in getting GARP to work on linux and 
>windows in Kepler, and maybe speculate which of these issues might be 
>general problems we'll encounter a lot, and which are idiosyncratic to 
>GARP?  Just a summary would be useful.  We can chat about it later,
>Matt Jones                                     jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
>http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/   Fax: 425-920-2439    Ph: 907-789-0496
>National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>University of California Santa Barbara
>Interested in ecological informatics? http://www.ecoinformatics.org
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Edward A. Lee, Professor
518 Cory Hall, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-642-0455, fax: 510-642-2739
eal at eecs.Berkeley.EDU, http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~eal

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