[kepler-dev] Re: [SDM-SPA] New distribution of Ptolemy for LLNL users
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Sat Feb 28 06:54:27 PST 2004
>>>>> "V" == Vouk <vouk at ncsu.edu> writes:
V> David,
V> Yes. No problem.
V> Let's do a teleconference on Monday (say 9am your time)
V> to nail down the details.
Do we have a regular SPA call on Monday or an ad-hoc one?
In the case of the latter, and if we talk about packaging, we could
also invite some of our colleagues from the Kepler team at SEEK/UCSB
and of course Ptolemy/UCB, if they are interested and available.
We may also decide to have different packaging efforts (e.g., one
based on InstallShield, one based on InstallAnyWhere, and yet another
one based on Web Start or so -- whichever works best).
What does everyone think?
V> Transfac is not quite here yet, but will be next week (actually
V> Monday it may be available already)
V> We have been snowed-out again so things are not moving
V> as fast as we would like.
V> No Mac distribution yet. It is not difficult to do,
V> just different (probably a week to work out bugs
V> the first time it is done)
V> mav
V> David Buttler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to create a new distribution of Ptolemy for our users
>> here at LLNL. From our conversation a couple of weeks ago, it sounded
>> like NCSU should be able to quickly create a new version using Install
>> Shield. The main reasons I would like a new distribution is to cover
>> the following concerns:
>> 1) Include the new Transfac service
>> 2) Include the new Web Service actors, to provide access to both the
>> services available at NCSU as well as other bioinformatics web services
>> Is this possible to do? Have there been any problems with finding a
>> Transfac replacement?
>> As a side question, has there been any work yet on creating a Mac
>> distribution? Do we have any estimates of how difficult it will be or
>> when a Mac version may be available?
>> Thanks!
>> Dave
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