[kepler-dev] [Bug 1334] - need installer for kepler
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Mon Feb 9 10:55:12 PST 2004
these are fantastic tips -- IMHO we should heavily leverage/build upon
the Ptolemy II way of doing things for the Kepler release!
>>>>> "b" == bugzilla-daemon <bugzilla-daemon at ecoinformatics.org> writes:
b> http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1334
b> ------- Additional Comments From cxh at eecs.berkeley.edu 2004-02-09 10:41 -------
b> By way of introduction, I'm the release engineer for the Ptolemy project.
b> We are currently using ZeroG's InstallAnywhere. It works reasonably well.
b> I did use InstallShield for the Ptolemy II 1.0 release in 2001.
b> I had a number of problems at that time with InstallShield, see
b> http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemyII/ptII1.0/installshield.htm#bugs
b> maybe InstallSheilds has fixed these problems, maybe not.
b> In any case I recommend InstallAnywhere. It is not cheap, we ended
b> up upgrading to the Enterprise edition ($3000? for initial purchase,
b> $1500? for annual support for the second and subsequent years?)
b> If there is a free installer available, I would consider moving away from
b> InstallAnywhere.
b> It turns out that a fairly powerful release mechanism is to build a
b> Web Start installer first, which will help sort out jar file contents issues,
b> and then use InstallAnywhere. I found the build/test cycle to be faster with
b> Web Start. $PTII/mk/jnlp.mk has rules for building a Web Start release.
b> See also $PTII/doc/webStartHelp.htm, which can be found on the web as
b> http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptolemyII/ptII3.0/ptII/doc/webStartHelp.htm
b> There is also the applet code generator, which can be used to create applets
b> of Ptolemy models. I was playing around with having the applet code generator
b> create Web Start installers, but have not quite finished.
b> One can also reduce the size of the download by using tree shaking, where
b> we run the model, note which jar files are actually used, and ship only those
b> jar files. Of course, we need to be sure to include the error handling
b> mechanism etc., so treeshaking works best for non-GUI intensive products
b> like applets that have a plot as an output etc.
b> Anyway, I can provide some help in this area.
b> -Christopher
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