[kepler-dev] Re: [seek-dev] Re: implementing garp in ptolemy
Bertram Ludaescher
ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Tue Nov 11 10:00:06 PST 2003
As Chad explained there are plans to provide a generic grid
service actor, somewhat similar but probably a bit more involved than
the current generic WSDL actor that Ilkay et al have provided.
Indeed, the details of the grid service actor are yet to be determined
I think. For example, it may involve changes at the director level
(maybe a G-PN for Grid-enabled process networks!?)
I also agree with you that writing custom actors for Ptolemy may not
be necessary once those generic actors are in place. In fact, we have
discussed here the need for a "command-line/shell-execution" actor
that --when properly parameterized-- can also serve as a generic
plug-in for local applications. I suspect the WSDL itself to be often
sufficient for not too data-intensive apps.
The main initial bottleneck with Garp in Ptolemy is/was the lack of
detailed modeling of the input/output signatures of the individual
analysis and computation steps. It seems that Deana, Shawn, Rich, etc
who were meeting on that in SB have made good progress towards a
detailed API.
Who is the one who currently "owns the action item"? ;-)
>>>>> "CB" == Chad Berkley <berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu> writes:
CB> Hey Dave,
CB> Thanks for the comments. We are planning to create a grid service actor
CB> for ptolemy. Is there currently a service (or a plan to create a
CB> service) that runs GARP processes? If there is, I agree that we should
CB> just use the grid service and focus on getting a grid service actor
CB> working in ptolemy.
CB> I'm not sure what you mean about the "state of the garp algorithm while
CB> operating in such an environment". could you clarify?
CB> thanks,
CB> chad
CB> Dave Vieglais wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> it should be fairly straight forward to build a low level java interface
>> using SWIG. I was able to do this for python with not too much effort.
>> But the problem, as Ricardo mentions, is the interfaces to methods that
>> can be readily exposed may need to be significantly altered to operate
>> in the ptolemy environment. I am also curious about how the state of
>> the garp algorithm is maintained while operating in such an environment.
>> I have not been following the ptolemy development stream too closely,
>> but I was wondering if there is a plan to provide a kind of generic
>> interface between ptolemy and services exposed through a globus
>> interface? It may actually be a simpler process in the log run to
>> provide a globus interface to garp (e.g. using the gSOAP library and the
>> GSI plugin http://sara.unile.it/~cafaro/gsi-plugin.html) and have the
>> garp - ptolemy interface actually implemented as a more generic globus
>> interface. This seems to make more sense that building wrappers for
>> each algorithm just so they can be used in the ptolemy environment.
>> cheers,
>> Dave V.
>> Ricardo Scachetti Pereira wrote:
>>> Chad, Deana and all,
>>> GARP is currently implemented as a C++ API (Application Programming
>>> Interface) that can be put together easily to implement any of those
>>> analytical steps that are present on the GARP pipelines we produced.
>>> The GARP API is very modular and the main modules match almost
>>> precisely the various analytical steps described in each GARP pipeline.
>>> Still, we didn't specify exactly what each GARP analytical step
>>> should do. I think that this was one point that Chad was complaining
>>> about in his previous messages, wasn't it (not enough detail in the
>>> pipeline specs)? Once each analytical step is spec'ed out, one need
>>> to code it using GARP API calls in C++ (each would be at most 4 lines
>>> long!!). Then a Java class would wrap that C++ class. Or
>>> alternatively, the analytical step could be implemented in a Java
>>> class directly which, in turn would call the right methods in the GARP
>>> API.
>>> That is how I see it. But I know nearly nothing about wrapping C++
>>> code in a Java class.
>>> Again, I am pretty sure that the underlying code won't add any
>>> additional constraints.
>>> All that said, I suggest we implement each GARP analytical step
>>> separately.
>>> The only tricky part (from my perspective) will be to feed GARP with
>>> data in the right formats. For example, the environmental layers
>>> should all match each other exactly (same extent and cell size) which
>>> usually requires a resample operation prior to modeling. Also, each
>>> cell value on those layers have to be normalized to fit a bit (1 to
>>> 254) before it can be processed by the algorithm. The GARP API has
>>> methods that do that normalization reading the (resampled data) from
>>> layers in ESRI ASCII Raster Grid format.
>>> We can talk about those details on a conference call later this
>>> week, can't we?
>>> Regards,
>>> Ricardo
>>>> Chad,
>>>> These questions were discussed meticulously in
>>> the breakout group at
>>>> Santa Barbara (see...you should have picked the
>>> other group :-)
>>>> The conclusion was that there are pieces within
>>> GARP that it would be
>>>> nice to reuse, specifically, the sampling piece
>>> that splits the input
>>>> samples into two groups (testing and training),
>>> which is currently shown
>>>> on the pipeline as a separate piece.. However,
>>> Dave thinks it might be
>>>> alot of work to change the code to make that work
>>> (but suggested Ricardo
>>>> might think differently). If the GARP code can
>>> be relatively easily
>>>> rewritten to break out the steps that are in the
>>> pipeline, then we
>>>> should do that, otherwise we should lump it all
>>> together as one step
>>>> (which would make a much simpler pipeline).
>>>> Shawn has a revised species distribution pipeline
>>> that you should make
>>>> sure you have.
>>>> Deana
>>>> Ricardo Scachetti Pereira wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Chad and all,
>>>>> I can provide all the details about GARP that
>>> you
>>>>> need. I'm in a middle of a household move, but a phone call on
>>>>> Wednesday afternoon or Thursday would be good for me.
>>>>> I'll be in Brazil which is now 6 hours ahead of California Time.
>>>>> Let me know whether that works for you.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Ricardo
>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>> I've been looking at trying to get GARP working
>>>>> in ptolemy a bit, and I
>>>>> have a few questions. First of all, is the
>>>>> modularity that is described
>>>>> in the PPT files the modularity that you would
>>>>> want in a ptolemy model?
>>>>> for example, is the "data calculation" step
>>> in
>>>>> the "GARP Native
>>>>> Species Pipeline" something that you would want
>>>>> to reuse in other
>>>>> pipelines? When I talked to Dave when we were
>>>>> here in SB, I got the
>>>>> impression that he thought GARP should just be
>>>>> one atomic actor (is that
>>>>> really what you think Dave?) If these
>>> components
>>>>> are never going to be
>>>>> reused for any other pipeline, then they should
>>>>> probably just be folded
>>>>> into one generic GARP actor.
>>>>> I'd like get together, either physically or
>>>>> virtually, with someone that
>>>>> can explain to me the exact steps that it takes
>>>>> to go from the training
>>>>> data and layers to output. The specifications
>>> of
>>>>> the modules within the
>>>>> PPT documents are a bit vague. For instance, I
>>>>> have no idea what data
>>>>> calculation does. A mid-level pseudo-code
>>>>> implementation of GARP might
>>>>> be a good idea, as it would help me get my head
>>>>> around this thing a bit
>>>>> more.
>>>>> Could any of you have a phone call next week?
>>>>> maybe wednesday since
>>>>> tuesday is a holiday?
>>>>> chad
>>>>> --
>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>> Chad Berkley
>>>>> National Center for
>>>>> Ecological Analysis
>>>>> and Synthesis (NCEAS)
>>>>> berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
>>>>> -----------------------
>>>> --
>>>> ********
>>>> Deana D. Pennington, PhD
>>>> Long-term Ecological Research Network Office
>>>> UNM Biology Department
>>>> MSC03 2020
>>>> 1 University of New Mexico
>>>> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
>>>> 505-272-7288 (office)
>>>> 505 272-7080 (fax)
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CB> --
CB> -----------------------
CB> Chad Berkley
CB> National Center for
CB> Ecological Analysis
CB> and Synthesis (NCEAS)
CB> berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
CB> -----------------------
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