[tcs-lc] Proposal: replace "Is parent/child of" with specific term

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tue Sep 20 00:55:31 PDT 2005

Gregor wrote

> Proposals: 
>   member of/has member (James)
>   higher-taxon-of, lower-taxon-of, 
>   supra-taxon-of, sub-taxon-of, 
>   next-higher-taxon-of, next-lower-taxon-of
>   parent-taxon-of, child-taxon-of
>   sub-taxon-of, sub-taxon-of

I prefer to higher-lower pair because I don't think
lower taxon is a member of higher taxon in set theory sense
as presented previous TDWG meetings.
Next-higher/lower could be too restrictive because there can
be missing ranks.
Super/sub pair is also acceptable.

What does the last pair means, Gregor?


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