[tcs-lc] relationships between vernacular names

Nozomi Ytow nozomi at biol.tsukuba.ac.jp
Tue May 3 07:30:03 PDT 2005

Hi Roger,

thanks for the XML document.  I put a link to slightly modifed version
(replace Japanese thins with real data) on 


The scenario I expect is such as:
A Japanse capable taxonomist provides "is vernacular of" relationship
between a scientific-named TaxonConcept and a nominal TaxonConcept
with one of these Japanese variants.  Another Japanese source provides
relationships between the Japanese name and other Japanse varians via
TCS.  GBIF portal can provide mapping between the scientific-named
TaxonConcept and other variants of Japanese names with these two
inputs.  This a kind of natonal language mapping is unnecessary a
function of the GBIF protal; it can be done at national portal/node
level.  If TCS does not allow to transfer vernacular-varnacular
relationship, we can't provide such mechanism at any level.
I don't think addition of a vernacular equivalence is something
harm TCS.  Portal can filter if it is problem.
Multiple mapping, i.e. allowing more than one From/To TaxonConcept
in a Relationship is another issue.


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