[SEEK-Taxon] guids

Richard Pyle deepreef at bishopmuseum.org
Mon May 24 13:50:10 PDT 2004


Looks like the SEEK email server stripped the diacriticals over some of the
"e" characters in the three flavors of "Lacepede" in my sentence below.  In
my original, the three versions differed in how the diacriticals were
applied. Sorry for the confusion!


> For example, if my dataset
> pointed to an LSID to indicate a particular concept, it wouldn't matter
> whether the author of a species epithet used to represent that concept was
> spelled "Lacepede", "Lacepede", or "Lacepede" (unless that name
> was embedded
> as part of the GUID -- which is an entirely different topic of
> discussion).

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