[seek-taxon] recent checkins

Robert Gales rgales at eecs.ku.edu
Thu Jun 12 09:35:48 PDT 2003

Just a short note about what's been checked in.

SQL scripts for setting up the MySQL db representing the concept schema
being used for development:
  -- src/DB/Tables.sql
  -- src/DB/Indices.sql

Wrapper module for connecting and querying the db:
  -- src/DB/MySQLTools.py

Python script to populate the db:
  -- src/DB/populateDB.py

Wrapper module for querying and parsing XML documents from ITIS*Ca:
  -- src/NameProvider/ITIS.py

CGI, HTML templates, and images in the demo:
  -- src/cgi/

The demo is still simple at this point but can be reached at:

rgales at eecs.ku.edu

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