[seek-kr-sms] Kepler 1.0.0 released

Chad Berkley berkley at nceas.ucsb.edu
Wed May 14 07:45:04 PDT 2008

The Kepler Project (http://kepler-project.org) is pleased to announce 
the availability of Kepler 1.0.0, the first official release of the 
Kepler scientific workflow system. Representing the combined efforts of 
numerous individuals and projects, Kepler is a user-friendly, 
open-source application for analyzing, modeling, and sharing scientific 
data and analytical processes.

The new release of Kepler can be downloaded from:


This is the first full release of Kepler and signals our commitment to
backwards compatibility for all future 1.x releases.  There were also
many bug fixes since the RC1 release.  For a full list of fixed bugs,
please visit http://tinyurl.com/3htgta.

Kepler 1.0 includes a full set of documentation for the first time.
This documentation includes a Getting Started Guide, a full User Manual,
a guide to Ecological Niche Modeling and an Actor reference.  Please see
the Help/Documentation menu for a full list of the documentation
available as well as demonstration workflows.

We welcome feedback and comments that will make the application more 
useful in the future. Please submit bugs and problems through our bug 
tracking system (http://bugzilla.ecoinformatics.org) and send general 
feedback to kepler-dev at ecoinformatics.org.  For help using Kepler, 
please email kepler-users at ecoinformatics.org or log on to our IRC server 
at irc.ecoinformatics.org and join the #kepler group.

We would like to sincerely thank all of the developers, scientists and 
users who have contributed code, expertise and hard work to Kepler. 
Without these contributions, Kepler would exist in the state that it 
does.  We look forward to working closely with the scientific workflow 
community into the future.


The Kepler Development Team

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