[seek-kr-sms] Observational Data Standard, v.1 (fwd)
Robert K. Peet
peet at unc.edu
Mon Oct 9 10:58:14 PDT 2006
Here is the draft observation standard distributed by NatureServe a week ago.
Robert K. Peet, Professor & Chair Phone: 919-962-6942
Curriculum in Ecology, CB#3275 Fax: 919-962-6930
University of North Carolina Cell: 919-368-4971
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3275 USA Email: peet at unc.edu
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 15:32:52 -0400
From: Donna Reynolds <Donna_Reynolds at natureserve.org>
To: Karen Cieminski <karen.cieminski at dnr.state.mn.us>,
"acox at mt.gov" <'acox at mt.gov>, "kwalker at mt.gov" <'kwalker at mt.gov>,
"john.fleckenstein at wadnr.gov" <'john.fleckenstein at wadnr.gov>,
Peter_Sorrill <peter.sorrill at mnr.gov.on.ca>,
Larry Master <Larry_Master at natureserve.org>,
Kelly Gravuer <Kelly_Gravuer at natureserve.org>,
Rickie White <Rickie_White at natureserve.org>,
Bruce Stein <Bruce_Stein at natureserve.org>,
James_Morefield <jdmore at heritage.nv.gov>,
"Arnett at uwyo.edu" <'Arnett at uwyo.edu>, Nicole Firlotte <nfirlotte at gov.mb.ca>,
"tghoward at gw.dec.state.ny.us" <'tghoward at gw.dec.state.ny.us>,
Dave_Clark <D.J.Clark at pc.gc.ca>, Ewen Eberhardt <ewen.eberhardt at pc.gc.ca>,
"Cecilia.Lougheed at ec.gc.ca" <'Cecilia.Lougheed at ec.gc.ca>, tpl10 at cornell.edu,
Larry <larry.e.morse at lem-natural-diversity.com>,
"sblum at calacademy.org" <'sblum at calacademy.org>,
"tuco at BERKELEY.EDU" <'tuco at BERKELEY.EDU>,
"dhobern at GBIF.ORG" <'dhobern at GBIF.ORG>,
"ricardo at tdwg.org" <'ricardo at tdwg.org>, "lee at tdwg.org" <'lee at tdwg.org>,
"roger at TDWG.ORG" <'roger at TDWG.ORG>,
"mike_frame at usgs.gov" <'mike_frame at usgs.gov>,
"hsaarenmaa at gbif.org" <'hsaarenmaa at gbif.org>,
"stk2 at cornell.edu" <'stk2 at cornell.edu>,
"bstein at socrates.Berkeley.edu" <'bstein at socrates.Berkeley.edu>,
"jbrunt at lternet.edu" <'jbrunt at lternet.edu>, "beach at ku.edu" <'beach at ku.edu>,
"Peter.Lockwood at ec.gc.ca" <'Peter.Lockwood at ec.gc.ca>,
"Yanik.Perigny at ec.gc.ca" <'Yanik.Perigny at ec.gc.ca>,
"peet at unc.edu" <'peet at unc.edu>,
"Chris_Dietrich at nps.gov" <'Chris_Dietrich at nps.gov>,
"margaret_beer at nps.gov" <'margaret_beer at nps.gov>,
"chris_lea at nps.gov" <'chris_lea at nps.gov>,
"kris_callahan at nps.gov" <'kris_callahan at nps.gov>,
"john_karish at nps.gov" <'john_karish at nps.gov>,
"mikelee at email.unc.edu" <'mikelee at email.unc.edu>,
"Deolrsd at dfw.wa.gov" <'Deolrsd at dfw.wa.gov>,
"salzeljs at dfw.wa.gov" <'salzeljs at dfw.wa.gov>,
"mboler at usbr.gov" <'mboler at usbr.gov>,
"mbeaty at pn.usbr.gov" <'mbeaty at pn.usbr.gov>,
"bsmith12 at fs.fed.us" <'bsmith12 at fs.fed.us>,
"jhaglund at fs.fed.us" <'jhaglund at fs.fed.us>,
"sshelly at fs.fed.us" <'sshelly at fs.fed.us>, Stuart.Butchart at birdlife.org,
alison.stattersfield at birdlife.org.uk, m.hoffmann at conservation.org,
p.langhammer at conservation.org, t.brooks at conservation.org,
heaney at fieldmuseum.org, jararaca at ib.usp.br, Georgina.Mace at ioz.ac.uk,
james.ragle at iucn.org, jane.smart at iucn.org, wes.sechrest at iucn.org,
jonpaul at ivic.ve, rmiller at ivic.ve, george.schatz at mobot.org,
Claudine at NatureBureau.co.uk, Mary.Seddon at nmgw.ac.uk, wrturner at princeton.edu,
resit at ramas.com, A.Paton at rbgkew.org.uk, Carlo.Rondinini at uniroma1.it,
Tyrone Guthrie <tguthrie at tnc.org>
Subject: Observational Data Standard, v.1
Attached is the provisional Observational Data Standard, version 1.0.
The documents are also available on the internet at
The standard consists of a text description of the project and its
results, a list of data fields and their definitions, and a conceptual
data model diagram that shows relationships among the major entities
(diagram is in the Word document). The simplied model replaces the
detailed physical data model that was distributed during the two rounds
of review, but the detailed model is available upon request. The reason
for the new format of both the data dictionary and data model is to
separate the standard from a specific implementation, since we hope that
it will be adopted broadly. To that end, version 1.0 of the standard
will be submitted for consideration by the Taxonomic Databases Working
Group (TDWG) Observation Subgroup in the development of their standards
work at the upcoming TDWG Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO (October
15-22, 2006). The standard will also serve as the basis for several data
management and software initiatives currently in development by
Many thanks to all of you who reviewed earlier drafts of the data
standard and submitted comments. Special thanks to members of the
Observation Working Group for their guidance in the early stages of the
project as well as their input during the reviews. Finally, kudos to
Lynn Kutner for her leadership of this project.
The standard will continue to evolve as we receive feedback on version
1. We look forward to receiving your further comments or questions.
Please feel free to share these documents with others in or outside your
Donna J. Reynolds
Information Division
(703) 908-1835
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