[seek-kr-sms] units in EML
Matt Jones
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu
Tue Jun 20 15:49:23 PDT 2006
A few days ago on a KR conference call I said I would produce a list of
the units in use in current EML documents. I ran a query against the
KNB metacat over 5000+ EML documented datasets. Attached is the list of
EML standardUnits and the list of eml custom units that people defined
themselves in their EML documents. The file lists the name of the unit
and then the number of times that unit was found in parentheses.
Overall, there were 432 units in use in the datasets. Some pretty odd
things were found in there!
Happy unit browsing,
Matt Jones Ph: 907-789-0496
jones at nceas.ucsb.edu SIP #: 1-747-626-7082
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS)
UC Santa Barbara http://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/ecoinformatics
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