[seek-kr-sms] growl- prefuse

Serguei Krivov Serguei.Krivov at uvm.edu
Thu Oct 20 13:18:03 PDT 2005

I am preparing first alpha release of growl- prefuse. Before it finds its
way to CVS and the website you may get it from:




It comes all loaded and you may run it using the batch files. There is also
an  old ant file that still works here; (thanks to Matt who wrote it).


I tested this version with many large and also very large ontologies, and it
worked;  this does not mean though that it is stable.  I still need to
restructure the saving code, so that it saves correctly ontologies with many


When you browse very large ontology select "Definitions"  instead of "Fish
Eye" in the combo box on the toolbar and use the class tree  to navigate.
New prefix search toolbar in the bottom is another way to navigate. Use
arrows near prefix search text field  to browse through search results then
click on the label  (node name) that you wish to get selected on the panes.






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